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You can enjoy a unique staycation in Kent with some of these quirky holiday lets.
A firm specialising in green energy installations says it expects to keep growing despite the disruption caused by the lockdown.
The county's inward investment agency has unveiled summer courses for business leaders to help them plot a route to success post-lockdown.
The leading cross-Channel operator saw earnings more than halved as travel restrictions took a huge bite out of its bottom line.
A law firm started by a curate at a local parish church has passed a major milestone and been recognised by Guinness World Records.
Signatures of the biggest stars can sell for thousands of pounds - but one expert warns today's autograph market is a 'minefield'.
Another big name restaurant looks set to close outlets as a result of the impact of the health crisis on its bottom line.
A free online school aims to teach you how to start up your own business - without racking up debts.
An online seminar will focus on how the county's tourism industry recovers as lockdown measures are slowly eased.
The South East's largest event for the construction industry has become the latest victim of the pandemic.
A firm which specialises in holiday extras says it has been forced into making major cuts to its staff levels.
The cash industry is 'on a knife-edge' according to a union as a major money distributor confirms it is set to slash jobs.
The county's inward investment agency has launched a service to help firms bounce back after the ravages of the lockdown.
Police believe two separate incidents or a man exposing himself are linked.
Police have launched an investigation after a man collapsed in the street in the early hours of this morning having been shot.
Police are appealing for witnesses following a commotion which saw six hurt and a woman arrested.
Officers on patrol at a railway station have arrested a female, discovered to be carrying a large knife, after she was spotted acting suspiciously.
Ten fire engines were called to a hotel after a blaze was sparked in its boiler room.
A legal expert has urged business owners to take all necessary steps to keep staff and visitors safe in the workplace - or risk prosecution.
A law firm has picked up two awards at an event celebrating SMEs in the UK.
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