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Parents who had planned a Christmas and birthday party for children at a new gaming venue were “devastated” to learn it had closed suddenly.
Plans for a seven-bedroom HMO in a terraced street have been approved despite a 60-signature petition and a developer says it’s “brilliant” news.
Emergency crews have taken one person to hospital after a van went into a bush.
KentOnline’s consumer champion visited a new-build estate where people report being “stuck” with one broadband provider whose service could improve.
A 61-year-old woman caught stealing thousands of pounds from the solicitors she was employed by initially pretended she’d been hacked.
The Chancellor has made a significant announcement on the future of a multi-billion project to build another tunnel linking Kent and Essex.
A court has heard how a unsuspecting motorcyclist was ‘thrown over the top of a car’ after a careless motorist pulled out in front of him.
A supermarket giant has confirmed it is looking to clear a rundown former secondary school site to make way for another one of its stores.
A brand-new gym has opened on an industrial estate in what its owners hope will be the answer to one community’s wish for “new facilities now”.
A pub has been boarded up as an investigation continues into a fight that led to three men suffering “appalling knife wounds”.
Detectives investigating a series of at least 10 motorbike thefts at people’s homes are not ruling out the possibility the events are linked.
It’s a restaurant known for its unfortunate position more than anything, but our reviewer was there for one reason only - the curry.
A mum had to have a c-section at 35 weeks pregnant after discovering she had brain cancer.
A landlord who flouted planning laws and refused to knock down an outbuilding in his garden is now thousands of pounds out of pocket.
An electric car owner has been left bemused by a council’s reluctance to accept his reasoning why he shouldn’t be fined for charging his car.
Body-worn footage shows the moment a handcuffed heroin and crack cocaine dealer tried to flee from the police.
A family-run distillery has been forced to close their restaurant amid “rising costs” and the impact of the recent government budget.
A former high-flying business manager who drunkenly crashed his car into the front of a house when a young boy was inside has avoided jail.
A drug dealer who filmed himself delivering and weighing cocaine has been sentenced after police found the footage on his phone.
A road has been closed by police while officers help with a civil enforcement action.
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