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A retiring headteacher has said children should be encouraged to develop as confident individuals as he bows out after 30 years at the same school.
Monuments are to be installed at two Kent crematoria to honour those lost to Covid-19 and pay tribute to NHS and care workers.
The "treacherous" surface of a city subway is being investigated by a council after a pensioner broke his knee in a fall.
A couple are planning to expand their own special brand of coffee cafes across the county.
A top panto producer fears the county's biggest show may have to be dropped.
Police are investigating complaints after offensive stickers and graffiti marking Hitler's birthday were daubed around a town.
The Archbishop of Canterbury says too many Covid-19 challenges remain to hold the conference in 2021.
Academy bosses have revealed when a £20 million school will finally open its doors.
The owner of a hugely sentimental gold ring says he is overjoyed after a metal detectorist came to his aid when he lost it on the beach.
The owner of a much-loved gym clubs fears for its survival as it faces rent arrears of almost £36,000 when its income is currently zero.
An ice lolly maker will change its recipe after a little boy's mouth - and his mum's sofa - turned blue.
Some landlords and restaurateurs in Kent are refusing to reopen this weekend, amid fears over the spread of the coronavirus.
20 years after her killer was jailed, we remember the loving and devoted mum murdered as she walked home through a Kent park.
The popular boot fair has become an 'institution' for sellers and buyers.
Residents are being warned to check who they are paying to take rubbish away.
Armed police from the Met have stormed a seaside holiday home.
The death of a woman led to a large police presence - including forensics teams - at a seafront property today.
At least five police vehicles, forensics teams and detectives are at the scene of an incident.
Owners of pubs and bars in Kent's nightlife capital have revealed the preparations they have in place to finally welcome back punters.
A terrified teenager fled a park after being threatened by youths with a knife.
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