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Villagers are fighting plans for a new housing estate in the Kent countryside as they claim it will destroy nature and their quality of life.
A bid for a 300-home estate on land neighbouring an animal park has sparked uproar – just two years after a much smaller scheme was rejected.
Motorists using a Kent borough’s most popular car parks could soon be charged a premium as a council looks to rake in much-needed cash
A couple have spoken of their joy after a lost treasured wedding ring was tracked down to a hospital laundry basket.
A retired footballer has told the remarkable story of how he rose from club football in Kent to playing for New Zealand in the FIFA World Cup of 1982.
Church leaders have banned any form of political protest from a peace vigil being held for the victims of the Israel and Hamas war.
The balloons are out today for the launch of the county’s newest McDonald’s restaurant.
A holiday park is set to grow by 91 caravans, despite residents’ concerns their village could turn into another Sheppey.
A global audience vied for some rare memorabilia in the collection of a Star Wars actor who lived in the county for much of his career.
A working fire engine has appeared for sale on Facebook Marketplace – after the owner used it to save his own thatched home.
A 17-year-old schoolboy has won a major photographic prize with a dramatic shot of thunder clouds over beach huts on the Kent coast.
A devastated wife has paid tribute to an “amazing husband and dad” who died on a long-haul flight after suffering a deep vein blood clot in his leg.
A council has been warned revamping a historically significant building could cost five times its £1m estimate.
A council has ended its venture into hosting weddings at a historic venue – after racking up a large deficit.
The heartbroken mum of a teenager who took his own life has spoken of the tragedy in the hope it will save others from going through the same agony.
A raft of motorists fell foul of a town’s divisive 20mph speed limit, introduced last year.
Drainage works are set to take place on a key route to the East Kent Ploughing Match, with organisers voicing frustration over the plans.
A row has broken out over parents using a village hall car park to drop their children off at school.
One of Kent’s fastest-growing coffee cafe chains is taking its barista and hospitality skills to Uganda.
A precious Kent wildlife habitat is under threat from plans for a massive electricity converter station covering almost 15 acres.
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