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Angry villagers are opposing a plan for 30 new affordable homes amid fears it could spoil their views of the countryside.
With panoramic views over the English Channel, the exclusive Leas at Kingsdown is one of the most desirable locations to live in
Bus operators says face coverings will be a matter of personal choice from Monday - but are recommending passengers continue to do so.
A father and son have driven the length of the UK in an old van fuelled solely on old chip cooking oil.
The site of a former motor dealers is being auctioned with a guide price of between £220,000 and £240,000.
Norman Tilley may have been born just five years after the First World War, but he's still bowling them over on the greens of Kent.
Doormen have told of the 'distressing' scenes after rushing to help a crowd of pedestrians knocked down by a car in a high street.
A mum and her two children have been left sharing a single bedroom after a fire destroyed their council flat.
A local authority has splashed out more than £6 million on new bin lorries fitted with CCTV cameras to capture problems on their routes.
A music festival planned for the August Bank Holiday weekend has been cancelled by organisers who say the safety of people must come first.
One of the fastest-growing sports retailers is opening a 12,000 sq ft store in Kent.
The boss of a long-running family store who is being forced to downsize and make redundancies has blasted “ludicrous” parking charges.
Highways authorities are being urged to tackle the spread of potentially dangerous giant hogweed which can cause severe blistering and even scar.
Police discovered a cannabis farm in a house while attending a disturbance during the early hours of the morning.
A pensioner was taken to hospital after being tasered by armed police, who descended on a road after reports of a disturbance involving firearms.
The operators of a popular river tour have had to abandon ship following a dispute over its mooring.
Bosses have confirmed a streaming service has been filming in a seaside town, as rumours about a Hollywood megastar gripped social media.
A guitar maker to the stars says new Brexit trade rules are creating a major headache for his business.
Police are hunting a robber who threatened a man with a knife in public toilets and demanded his mobile phone.
A market town is set to lose another of its big banks, as Lloyds announces it is closing a town centre branch.
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