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A terminally ill mum has been part of her daughter's special day after a wedding blessing was held at a hospice.
A shopkeeper has described how he and members of the public grappled with a man suspected of stealing from his store.
The government will be lobbied to make residential landlords pay business rates after accusations they are making huge profits at taxpayers' expense.
Blackened filters on a cyclist's face mask show the effects of "toxic" air pollution, which is killing around 100 people a year in one part of Kent.
Police have investigated a suspicious suitcase found outside a city hotel.
An HGV driver complained about "stupid rules" after being caught on his mobile - and hit with an on-the-spot £200 fine
A scheme for a £18 million marina has been scuppered after a report concluded it was financially risky.
A cash-strapped council believes student landlords could be prospering at the expense of the city and may face calls to pay a charge.
A man has died after a campervan crashed into a pole, despite the efforts of paramedics to save him
Delays have now cleared after a campervan left the road and hit a post.
A family has paid tribute to a "charismatic and devoted" 49-year-old man who was a passenger in a car which hit a tree
Environmentalists have appealed to drivers to turn their engines off while waiting at a busy level crossing
Hundreds of people are this morning expected to attend a public meeting called by campaigners who fear for the future of healthcare in east Kent.
Concerns over vital health services at Kent and Canterbury Hospital have been raised at a meeting of campaigners today.
A bitter court battle over a £250,000 will has been lost by two brothers who claimed their stepmother had influenced their dying father's wishes.
A £28 million scheme to create a new theatre and international college on a garage site has been approved by the city council
Fears are growing that junior doctors could be pulled from a hospital amid a probe into how they are supervised.
An 18-year-old man has been arrested on the University of Kent campus on suspicion of possessing cannabis with intent to supply
MPs say a proposal to erect around 70 massive pylons across part of Kent would blight several villages.
A man who got into a building site and filmed himself climbing a sky-high crane has been branded reckless.
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