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A leading outdoor clothing and equipment chain has shut its only Kent store after more than 20 years.
A much-loved gorilla has died at a Kent wild animal park, leaving keepers “deeply saddened”.
An abandoned hotel left derelict for 20 years could finally be redeveloped – but some neighbours are ‘enraged’ by the plans.
Hundreds of wellwishers turned out to greet Queen Camilla on her arrival in Kent today to unveil a statue of a literary heroine.
The Queen visited Kent today to unveil a statue of a heroine of English literature, credited with being the first full-time professional woman writer.
Pub bosses have been accused of dropping a clanger over a new sign hung outside a Kent inn which has got regulars crying into their beers.
Three Kent woodland owners lost their tussle to keep illegal buildings and hard standing at the High Court today.
A popular Kent school fitness and activity coach was left in excruciating pain after being hit by a scooter while jogging on holiday.
Villagers are celebrating a rare victory over a housing developer after a scheme for a new estate on farmland was thrown out by a planning inspector.
An entrepreneur’s revolutionary alcohol-free beer business previously rejected in the Dragons’ Den is now worth £12 million.
A plan to install a towering mobile phone mast on top of a health centre can go ahead - but the NHS is attempting to slam the brakes on the scheme.
An eclectic mix of art and antiques accumulated by an interior designer and goldmith over her lifetime are going under the hammer.
A Kent grammar school has announced plans to cut teaching jobs just months after being hit with a damning Ofsted rating it still strongly rejects.
Poor Ofsted ratings have seen the number of children wanting to join some schools in the county almost halve, KentOnline analysis reveals.
A former nursing home which was forced to close after a damning inspection is set to be converted after plans were approved by a council.
A pub landlord pulled the plug on Sky Sports after his yearly bill for the TV package more than doubled to almost £30,000.
One of Kent’s most uninviting buildings has been transformed into a contemporary block of flats, including a £850,000 penthouse.
A village could have some of the best community facilities in Kent – if plans for 53 new homes on farmland are approved.
An 80-year-old grandad who has owned an eye-catching convertible for half a century says he has no intention of parting with his pride and joy.
A family who fled to Kent from Colombia after being threatened by a murderous drugs cartel fear they will be killed if they are sent back.