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A popular BBC South East television newsreader has revealed the reason her presenting career was abruptly ended.
Two teenagers have been charged with burglary following a police car chase in which a 'stinger' was deployed.
Two villages have joined forces in a bid protect their surrounding farmland from being swallowed up by new housing and infrastructure.
Plans to turn a historic high street building into a nail bar with a “more modern and appealing” shopfront have been blasted as “horrendous”.
A family has paid tribute to an 86-year-old former pub landlord who collapsed after a shift at a supermarket.
An "exceptional and intriguing" historic house where the Deans of Canterbury Cathedral once retreated to the countryside has been put up for sale.
A chorus of complaints is echoing around a Cathedral after a new “equality and inclusion policy” was launched for its boy choristers.
Plans for a controversial new bypass are being fought by residents who fear it will "destroy ancient woodland" near their town.
Teachers are striking for the second time in a month in a row over pay, forcing some schools to close or cancel classes.
A much-loved foster carer and dedicated councillor has been described as a “tremendous force for good” following her death.
A school has issued a damning report on the effect social media has on pupils - but will no longer settle disputes involving online platforms.
A man whose mum and sister died from suspected carbon monoxide poisoning says he will pull down the burger hut where he tragically found them dead.
Global church leaders say the Archbishop of Canterbury is not considered to be their leader over a ruling to allow blessings for same-sex couples.
An entrepreneur has revealed how he transformed a coffee van that toured business parks into a growing chain turning over more than £2 million.
Huge crowds have gathered on a Kent beach to release balloons in memory of a mum and daughter who died in a tragic accident in a burger hut.
Hundreds of heartfelt tributes have flooded in as the community reels from the tragic deaths of a much-loved mum and daughter in a burger hut.
A distraught son has been left heartbroken after finding his mum and teenage sister dead inside his burger van this morning.
Residents have spoken of their outrage after "mindless" vandals set fire to children's play equipment.
The redevelopment of a former Debenhams site is expected to be given the green light with the lifting of the final barrier to work getting underway.
A 64-acre chunk of countryside has been put on the market for £475,000, including an area with "development possibilities".
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