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A pre-school where a little girl wandered out into the middle of a main road was found to have inadequate security and safeguarding measures.
A dad is fighting back from the tragedy which claimed the lives of his mum and sister by re-launching his burger van business.
Bosses insist a controversial and over-budget new railway station which opened today will provide a significant economic boost to a district.
A bid for £460 million to be spent on a new Kent hospital or much-need upgrades to existing sites has been snubbed by the government.
An appeal to ‘save’ an ancient Kent woodland has successfully raised more than £460,000 for a charity to buy it.
A ‘drifting’ enthusiast whose car was seized after being caught on public roads is calling for a dedicated Kent track for fellow fans to practice.
A legal challenge has forced a council to quash the permission it granted for a huge new Chapel Down winery in the Kent countryside
A mum is selling a “spooky” old rocking horse said to have transported itself from room to room because she feels “uneasy having it about the place”.
A driver seen “power-sliding” his BMW around a roundabout before police seized the car insists he won’t give up “drifting” on public roads.
Tributes have been paid to a grandad-of-three who will be remembered for his tireless and enthusiastic campaigning for his town.
A secluded woodland cabin is up for sale, offering a rare opportunity to live “off-grid”.
Facebook owners Meta has awarded funding for a weekend festival organised by one of Kent’s biggest residents’ groups on the social media site.
Critics who branded the demolition of four character homes “sickening” admit they are “pleasantly surprised” by the flats built in their place.
Dozens of bin workers have walked out today in a dispute over pay – with thousands of homes left with uncollected rubbish.
As the NHS turns 75 today, we speak to two long-serving former nurses about what working life was like in the early days.
The owner of an animal sanctuary says she is mystified as to why so many boxer dogs are being abandoned.
An iconic feature has finally been returned to one of the county’s most photographed historical landmark sites.
Campaigners have branded developers “heartless” after their hopes of buying a historic former military library were dashed at a property auction.
Britain’s oldest brewer Shepherd Neame has made some of its beers weaker to cut costs – but punters and landlords appear to back the move.
Officers investigating a late-night robbery in a park have released CCTV images of a suspect.
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