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A paddling pool will not reopen until next summer as it undergoes upgrades as part of a town centre’s £20 million regeneration scheme.
A major flood prevention scheme has been welcomed by residents affected by torrential downpours.
A Roman sculpture which was found on a development site had its head and right hand chopped off in a “ritual”, a new study has uncovered.
A branch chairman of Reform UK has been suspended after a video of him surfaced making “unacceptable” allegations against another chairman.
A company is to move to an expanding business park following in the steps of national businesses.
A person has been taken to hospital after a fire sparked a care home evacuation and a huge emergency response.
A village which residents fear is “already becoming a town” is set for a population boom due to major house building plans.
A pair of Kent killers who committed depraved sex crimes have reportedly bonded over their memories of a seaside town while in a high-security prison.
A takeaway franchise is set to spend more than £75,000 on a revamp of a former Papa John’s restaurant.
A landscaping boss has told how “excitement” turned to fear after digging up a wartime bomb in a customer's back garden.
A company named one of the best to work for in Britain has revealed plans to create 150 new jobs as it looks to build new facilities.
A long-awaited supermarket expansion, which has seen the store shut for two months for a makeover, has reopened.
A retail park food store has brought in parking time limits to stop staff from nearby businesses clogging up its spaces.
A developer has promised to contribute millions of pounds to two councils if its reserved matters scheme is approved.
The husband of a woman who was shot dead outside a pub on Valentine's Day has been identified by police as a suspect in the murder case.
New parking measures are causing congestion chaos for villagers who say they can no longer park outside their own homes.
A scheme to build a “skyline-changing” apartment block has been lodged after it went up for sale for £1.25 million more than a year ago.
Emergency crews were called to an area around a popular riverside pub.
A local authority splashed out £21,600 on new chairs for its meeting chamber while KentOnline managed to get a similar quote for £8,400 less.
A vacant town centre building which was home to a pub for more than seven years has been earmarked to become a fast food restaurant.
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