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Addict caught supplying cocaine

16 October 2013
Addict caught supplying cocaine

A drug addict has been jailed for three years after he was caught supplying cocaine to an undercover police officer.

Betrayal of burglar who stole from family

15 October 2013
Betrayal of burglar who stole from family

A burglar who targeted the homes of his ex-wife's family to steal cash and jewellery in a spate of thefts is behind bars.

Armed raider caught by passers-by jailed

15 October 2013
Armed raider caught by passers-by jailed

A robber has been jailed for nine years after threatening members of the public with an air pistol in a raid on a jeweller's - before they chased him.

Judge's sympathy after jailing thug for vicious attack on pensioner

15 October 2013
Judge's sympathy after jailing thug for vicious attack on pensioner

A judge has apologised to a pensioner viciously attacked with a bottle by a homeless man he tried to help after jailing his attacker for four years.

Jail for dad who fractured days-old baby's skull

14 October 2013
Jail for dad who fractured days-old baby's skull

A father who injured his days-old son's skull so badly it was like he'd been in a car crash is behind bars... for the second time.

Drug sting sees dealer jailed

14 October 2013
Drug sting sees dealer jailed

A drug addict has been jailed for three years after he was caught supplying cocaine to an undercover police officer.

School technician caught after leaving USB stick in staff room

12 October 2013
School technician caught after leaving USB stick in staff room

A lab technician was caught out when he left a memory stick containing sick child images in a school staff room.

Man tries to shake judge's hand after being cleared of rape

11 October 2013
Man tries to shake judge's hand after being cleared of rape

A man cleared of raping a woman he met just hours earlier at a party attempted to shake hands with a judge after his acquittal today.

Prolific burglar drove off in £31k car

11 October 2013
Prolific burglar drove off in £31k car

A serial burglar who targeted expensive homes - stealing jewellery, a Rolex watch and a high-value Audi car - has been locked up.

Rapist locked for abusing young girl

09 October 2013
Rapist locked for abusing young girl

A pervert who raped a girl he began sexually abusing when she was just seven has been jailed for 12 years.

Young man locked up for shining laser at police helicopter

08 October 2013
Young man locked up for shining laser at police helicopter

A 20-year-old man described as "not perhaps the full ticket" has been locked up after shining a laser torch at a police helicopter from his bedroom.

Drug addict who made illegal guns jailed

08 October 2013
Drug addict who made illegal guns jailed

A drug addict found to be manufacturing illegal guns after armed police discovered one in his car in Kent has been locked up for eight years.

Teacher: 'I had sexual fling with pupil'

08 October 2013
Teacher: 'I had sexual fling with pupil'

A teacher has admitted having a sexual relationship with a pupil after she developed a crush on him.

Driver rammed police car and attacked officers after row with lover

07 October 2013
Driver rammed police car and attacked officers after row with lover

A man said to have been intent on killing himself on a motorway rammed a police car several times after drinking and quarrelling with his partner.

Driver posed as dead twin to beat ban

04 October 2013
Driver posed as dead twin to beat ban

A boozy pensioner with three drink-driving convictions told police he was his dead twin brother to avoid a ban.

Gambling addict stole wedding and engagement ring in £32k burglary

03 October 2013
Gambling addict stole wedding and engagement ring in £32k burglary

A burglar broke into a home and stole almost £32,000 of property - including wedding and engagement rings - after he lost his job.

Fraudster walks free after conning relatives out of will cash

01 October 2013
Fraudster walks free after conning relatives out of will cash

A grandson pocketed more than £50,000 from his grandfather's will... conning other relatives into thinking they had been left very little.

Trio locked up for mugging teenagers they lured to deserted park

30 September 2013
Trio locked up for mugging teenagers they lured to deserted park

Three thugs have been locked up over the mugging of two teenagers after telling them they would show them the way to a nightclub.

Garage boss jailed for killing niece's fiancé in sports car crash

30 September 2013
Garage boss jailed for killing niece's fiancé in sports car crash

A garage owner who killed his niece's fiancé when he crashed a customer's high-performance sports car he wanted to "show off" has been jailed.

Policeman blackmailed over sick web chats with 'girl of 13'

28 September 2013
Policeman blackmailed over sick web chats with 'girl of 13'

A custody sergeant who served for 23 years in Kent Police was blackmailed after he sought out a 13-year-old girl to send him revealing pictures.

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