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Judge slams bouncers who watched vicious assault

12 August 2015
Judge slams bouncers who watched vicious assault

A judge has slammed doormen who stood by and watched a thug attack another man - before shaking his hand and letting him back into a nightclub.

Clubber dies after being restrained by bouncers

11 August 2015
Clubber dies after being restrained by bouncers

A nightclub customer lost consciousness and later died after being restrained by three bouncers for around 15 minutes, two years ago, a court's heard.

Pervert jailed for sexually abusing boy 100 times

11 August 2015
Pervert jailed for sexually abusing boy 100 times

A pervert who abused a young boy, who was already suffering domestic violence, at least 100 times has been jailed.

Drink driver banned after smashing into bus stop

11 August 2015
Drink driver banned after smashing into bus stop

Pedestrians dived out of the way as drunk driver Gary Reed smashed into a crowded bus stop.

Nurse accused of molesting patients

11 August 2015
Nurse accused of molesting patients

A mental health nurse is on trial accused of raping and molesting women - including during home visits.

Former drug tsar's granddaughter jailed for crack dealing

08 August 2015
Former drug tsar's granddaughter jailed for crack dealing

A granddaughter of former government drugs tsar Keith Hellawell has been jailed for three years for drug dealing.

Theatre boss cleared of sex assault

05 August 2015
Theatre boss cleared of sex assault

A theatre boss accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl has been acquitted after the alleged victim refused to support the prosecution.

'Utterly wicked' child rapist jailed for historic abuse

05 August 2015
'Utterly wicked' child rapist jailed for historic abuse

A pervert who repeatedly raped a young girl more than 30 years ago - and then claimed she seduced him - has been jailed for 15 years.

Man jailed after spiking woman's drink at nightclub

04 August 2015
Man jailed after spiking woman's drink at nightclub

A clubber who was caught slipping a hallucinogenic drug into a vulnerable woman's drink by her friend has been jailed.

Drink-driver ploughed into teenagers sitting on bench

04 August 2015
Drink-driver ploughed into teenagers sitting on bench

A young mum has been jailed after deliberately reversing her car into a bench, injuring two teenagers.

Thug jailed after stabbing victim in face

03 August 2015
Thug jailed after stabbing victim in face

A man has been jailed after smashing a wine glass on a man's head and stabbing him in the face with it.

Video: 'Death by cop' suicidal knifeman jailed

31 July 2015
Video: 'Death by cop' suicidal knifeman jailed

A suicidal man who had to be Tasered by police when he threatened them with four knives has been jailed.

'You will die a painful, horrible death'

31 July 2015
'You will die a painful, horrible death'

A brute has been jailed after telling his sex assault victim she would die a painful death as he grabbed her around the throat.

Machete attack case verdict delayed

30 July 2015
Machete attack case verdict delayed

A group of men who admitted attacking a family with several weapons will have to wait another two months to learn their fate.

Mum told she may lose children if thefts continue

30 July 2015
Mum told she may lose children if thefts continue

A judge has warned a mother of seven she may lose her children if she continues to steal.

Pervert head teacher admits abusing eighth victim

29 July 2015
Pervert head teacher admits abusing eighth victim

An ex-head teacher convicted of molesting young girls has admitted abusing another victim - but has been spared jail.

Teenager faces sentence for mallet attack

28 July 2015
Teenager faces sentence for mallet attack

A teenager accused of attacking two pupils with a rubber mallet is facing sentence for a string of offences, including having an offensive weapon.

Burglar steals quad bikes... despite being tagged

28 July 2015
Burglar steals quad bikes... despite being tagged

Even though he was wearing an electronic tag, a dozy thief joined a gang stealing quad bikes - with inevitable consequences.

Drug addict burgled own mother to feed habit

28 July 2015
Drug addict burgled own mother to feed habit

A former grammar schoolboy who fell into a spiral of drug addiction ended up burgling his own mother to feed his habit.

L driver's seven-mile police chase

22 July 2015
L driver's seven-mile police chase

A learner driver who led police on a "horrendous" seven-mile chase - even crashing into two of their cars - has been locked up.

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