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Determined, brave and inspiring children are being sought for a special set of awards this year - and here’s how to nominate someone you know.
Fed-up homeowners grappling with the “astronomical” charges, despite issues with water leaks, mould and broken lights, say it’s the final straw.
Detectives say they have dismantled an organised crime group which used stolen cars on false plates to supply considerable amounts of illegal drugs.
Keir Starmer said Labour would ‘put more cash’ in our pockets this year but our columnist fears we’re heading for a second cost of living crisis.
What does Paul Weller, The Gruffalo, The Great Storm, 1,000,000 Christmas lights and some of the world’s most endangered trees have in common?
The head of Ofsted is wrong - says our columnist - to suggest parents working from home are now the reason so many children don’t go to school.
Younger people are said to value a trip to the gym over a night out but what does that mean, fears our columnist, for our much-loved locals?
If local councils are scrapped what protection will leisure centres or parks get, asks our columnist, so they can’t be sold to balance big budgets?
Children as young as 10 are coming to A&E due to self-harm or a suicide attempt - we speak to the people who are there to meet them.
When mum-of-two Karen Bennett began preparing the parsnips for her family’s Sunday roast she found an unexpected dinner guest among the vegetables.
Families no longer put their name down at the local school and take a place, says our columnist, but does greater choice come with its own problems?
Underused offices, shops and pubs are increasingly being converted to residential use as landlords seek sustainable rent, says a report.
A primary school that was declared “inadequate” has been transformed with a recent inspection now rating it “outstanding” in all areas.
Would you support more speed cameras on Kent’s roads? After driving in London, our columnist thinks she might not be so opposed to such surveillance.
Angry neighbours say they knew nothing about a 5G phone mast being built in their road until work started.
LA’s burning suburbs should be a warning, says our columnist, who fears Kent faces similar dangers from the threat of climate change and flooding.
A care service is starting the year in special measures after issues with medicine records and training were among problems identified by inspectors.
Our columnist says an elected Mayor of Kent could be just what the county needs to take charge of issues like transport and housing but do you agree?
Close to 200 offensive weapons have been found in Kent’s schools, colleges or universities since 2022 with some terrifying items in police reports.
A personal trainer coaching young athletes in a town plagued with stories of unruly youths says there are also dedicated, hard-working kids there.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!