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The RSPB - fearful of the effect climate change is having on nature - is asking people to find an hour to help the Big Garden Birdwatch.
Homes are being paid money to use appliances in 'off-peak' hours as the cold snap bites but how is the new Demand Flexibility Service working?
With new research suggesting investing in classic cars could prove better than property we look at makes and models that might be popular in 2023.
A plastic bottle return scheme that charges people a deposit when they buy a drink and refunds it when they return the empty is to be launched.
Tesco is being forced to recall a range of its 'Free From' porridge over fears that undeclared milk is among the ingredients.
The British Veterinary Association is urging pet owners to protect animals from the dangers posed by the current cold snap and here's its advice.
Unions are warning the country faces 'significant' disruption when the biggest and most far-reaching strike action to date takes place next month.
The cost of buying basic food items such as milk and jam have leapt again and it's the budget supermarkets with the highest overall price rises.
A consultation wants people's views on issues including the future frequency of MOT tests and whether measures are needed to tackle loud engines.
Winnie the Pooh, who celebrates his official day today, is among the characters to appear on a 50p coin alongside these other very famous faces.
First came TV programmes like the Repair Shop and Great British Sewing Bee and now a UK retailer says haberdashery items are flying from shelves.
Freezing temperatures, ice and sleet have plunged the county into an icy snap but what is the official advice when a cold weather alert is issued?
There's a buzzword for 2023 which is undermining mums and setting us back a century, writes columnist Lauren Abbott.
Sky has become the first company to join a government scheme that could help save cash-strapped households up to £180 on their broadband.
The deadline for submitting primary school applications is now looming and here's everything you should know about the process.
Bitterly cold temperatures, sleet and snow are expected next week prompting an appeal from Highways staff to drivers to give gritters space to work.
The price of both an adult and child passport is increasing and the government plans to hike prices in a matter of weeks.
The top puppy and kitten names chosen by new owners in 2022 have been revealed by Pets at Home but is your furry friend's moniker on the list?
English Heritage is among those to suggest Christmas decorations can be kept up until February to honour an ancient festival called Candlemas but why?
Supermarket chain Iceland, which also owns Food Warehouse stores, has announced a new 2023 discount for older customers.