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Drivers using pay-at-pump petrol stations could now have £120 of their money ring-fenced in pre-authorisation checks, which is leaving some angry.
Cold and flu remedies are being withdrawn from pharmacies over health fears and here's the full list of medicines experts are saying to avoid.
The first special stamps to carry the silhouette of King Charles have been released by the Royal Mail.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has a plan to get parents back to work, but it won't work, writes Lauren Abbott.
Cat owners must microchip their pets or face a hefty fine under new rules and here's how long households have to abide by the new law.
Alerts, which trigger loud sirens on mobile phones and tablets, will be tested next month across the UK as the system gets ready for roll-out.
Amazon Prime members are being warned of a new scam which has seen some unsuspecting victims have their bank accounts 'emptied'.
The cost of an NHS prescription is to rise from April 1 along with the charges for pre-payment certificates and here's what you'll soon need to pay.
Greggs says it plans to extend the opening hours at 300 shops into the evening and wants to trial a 24-hour service for customers.
New airport security rules are coming into force and one UK airport is set to change liquid restrictions ahead of the next school break.
Comic Relief has unveiled a new red nose for 2023 but its unique design has left some families and schools frustrated.
Drivers and train passengers are being told to plan ahead, check routes and consider travelling home earlier as more snow is forecast.
The NHS has announced plans for a Covid-19 spring booster campaign and here are the patients who will be offered another jab.
This month's full moon - nicknamed the Worm moon - will reach its peak on Tuesday and here's how you can see it.
Michael Gove's plan to tackle truancy by stopping child benefits will just make the issue worse, writes columnist Lauren Abbott.
Drivers are being asked to give gritting teams time and space to work as an Arctic blast bringing warnings of ice and snow moves in.
Bitterly cold Arctic air is bringing freezing temperatures, ice and the risk of snow to Kent this week as a cold weather alert also comes into force.
Diesel drivers are paying too much at the pumps, says the RAC, which fears any change to the 2022 5p cut in fuel duty will push up prices more.
A cold weather alert has been issued for England with forecasters warning that bitter temperatures with severe ice and snow could be on the way.
TV Licensing is offering communities the chance to watch the King's coronation for free under plans to offer 'special dispensation' in May.