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The new team behind a town centre cafe say they are in it for the long haul despite the unit's troubled past.
A street artist whose work has gained a huge following says he hopes to brighten up drab walls across a Kent town.
The world's largest cargo ship is currently sailing past the Kent coast after its maiden call to the UK.
The late Paul O’Grady’s husband has announced the couple’s pet goats have died just two months after the star passed away.
An investigation has been launched after a woman was sexually assaulted, and a pot was thrown at a salon worker near a parade of shops.
A raised zebra crossing installed just three months ago is being rebuilt following concerns over its height.
The first pint has been served at a village pub saved from closure following a community effort to buy it.
Anxious dog walkers fear a huge hole dug out by yobs and filled with rubbish is an accident waiting to happen.
Construction is set to start next month on a controversial development which received more than 1,000 objections before getting the green light.
A pub landlord has unveiled plans to expand amid a wave of closures as costs climb and customers rein in their spending.
A popular pub with a beer garden has been given a huge makeover after new owners took over.
A helicopter and lifeboats were sent to rescue five people who were at risk of being cut off by the tide.
A road was taped off after a suspicious fire broke out in a former nightclub which has sat abandoned for years.
A craft chain has confirmed it will be opening its sixth Kent store this summer.
A care home which lost half of its residents to covid is set to close as high bills and pressure on the sector have made it impossible to carry on.
This weekend could be the busiest late May Bank Holiday on Kent’s roads since before the pandemic, the RAC has warned.
Emotions ran high at a public meeting as residents of a tourist hotspot described how they are being “forced out” by the huge number of holiday lets.
Dashcam footage shows the shocking moment a bin lorry mounted a kerb after taking a corner too quickly – and almost hit children on the path.
A woman has hit out at a “cold-hearted” parking company after receiving a £100 fine for stopping in a retail park while her husband felt unwell.
A teenager charged with attempted rape has appeared in court after a woman was assaulted in woodland.