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Celebrity baker Paul Hollywood has tied the knot with Kent landlady Melissa Spalding after a lavish ceremony in Cyprus.
A handmade sign popular with tourists which had to be moved following complaints has been given a new home.
The Met Office has issued a yellow weather warning as heavy rain is expected to hit Kent this evening.
A road was closed in both directions after a lorry crashed into and damaged a level crossing leaving it ‘unsafe’.
Furious residents say they have been left prisoners on their own estate after all bus services were axed without notice.
A manhunt has been launched and CCTV footage issued after more than £480 of computer equipment was stolen from a tech store.
A headstone and a single bunch of flowers have been laid in memory of a town’s Wilko, after the shutters went down last week.
A largely empty border facility is “too far away” from the Port of Dover to process travellers heading to the continent, according to highways bosses.
A beloved couple who died in a tragic accident on their Kent farm have been laid to rest after a memorial service in their village.
A long-lost sketch by a famous artist created on his travels through Kent is expected to fetch thousands after being found in an old suitcase.
A virtual reality gaming room where people can swim with whales and fight zombies is set to fill an empty town centre unit.
Drivers unlawfully using a stretch of road restricted to buses and taxis will soon face £70 fines when cameras are installed.
Two divers who went missing from a broken-down boat were rescued after spending more than an hour in the water.
An abandoned site partly destroyed by fire is still set to be turned into homes after being snapped up by a council.
A colourful trail with thousands of twinkling lights is set to transform a historic Kent castle and gardens this Christmas.
Staff at a town centre clothing store are bidding farewell to customers following news it will close this weekend.
Eurostar says it wants to bring its services back to Kent – but is hampered by hundreds of millions of pounds of Covid debt and the impact of Brexit.
A historic windmill is one step closer to being restored to working order after its cap was hoisted into place following five years of renovations.
A pizza takeaway has closed after just two years in a shopping centre - with bosses saying they are “unable to sustain the store”.
Frustrated town centre traders say their street has become an "eyesore" as they continue to wait for work to begin on a 92-bed hotel.