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Children arriving in the UK could soon be sent to Rwanda as the country prepares to house the youngsters under the government's controversial scheme.
Teenagers shouting and keeping neighbours up at night has led to a dispersal order being granted this weekend.
Thousands of rail workers are staging another strike in a dispute over jobs, pay and conditions and services will be disrupted all weekend.
Strike action is having a knock-on effect on train services as rail workers struggle to catch up with safety checks causing further disruption.
Two people were taken to hospital and a road remained closed for several hours after a two-vehicle crash.
Chicken giant Nando's is to open a restaurant at Ashford Designer Outlet – seven years after being included on a banned list.
People are being urged not to travel on the railway amid a national strike - but some need to make the trip. We caught one of Kent's only trains.
A well-known taxi firm has announced it will be parking up its fleet for good over struggles recruiting drivers and rising fuel costs.
A council-run car park that has been closed for nine months is expected to finally reopen this summer.
An equestrian charity has objected to plans for a new supermarket saying diverting a bridleway across the store's entrance could be dangerous.
A police dog helped officers find cannabis, cocaine and heroin that had been concealed under a mattress during a house search.
A notorious landlord who tried to sell off assets to avoid paying legal costs has been given a permanent injunction to stop him.
Police would like to speak to a man who may have information after a woman was sexually assaulted.
Bosses at Argos have announced a shop will be closing as part of plans to open more units across Sainsbury's stores.
A dog owner has been fined and banned from having dogs off lead in public after a pregnant ewe and her lambs died from a dog attack.
Plans for a new secondary school are set to be approved despite fears traffic 'will put children's lives at risk'.
A Kent professor is leading a bid to get overdose prevention centres set up as drug related deaths reach an all-time high.
IMAGE WARNING - Footage has captured the moment a women stops to poo on a pavement outside a shop.
A 51-year-old with Parkinson's who was temporarily moved to an elderly people's care home is still waiting to be moved a year later.
A man suffered facial injuries and had cash stolen from his wallet after being robbed in a park.