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A new tenant is being sought to take over a town centre bar, which has closed just two years after being launched by twin brothers.
A school that makes pupils lock their phones away at the start of the day has won an award for the policy’s positive impact on its children.
Concerned shoppers fear parking issues at a popular retail park will get even worse if plans for a 24-hour Starbucks drive-thru are approved.
A nine-month closure of a leisure centre will be reviewed next week after a council heard of the “devastating” impact it could have on residents.
Plans to install a zebra crossing on an A-road could have “lethal” consequences, say anxious residents.
Fire crews were called to a block of new-build flats after roof tiles fell from the building during high winds.
There are 35 criminals on Kent Police’s most wanted list but some have been on the run for years - including a pensioner at large since 2016.
Three play parks are set for major overhauls as part of a £180,000 renovation project.
Part of a ring-road is set to stay closed for six more days as engineers carry out urgent repairs following a gas leak.
A gymnastics club based in a popular leisure centre for more than 20 years will be made homeless if plans to close the site go ahead.
A warning has been issued and surveillance zone set up after an outbreak of bird flu just across the border.
Bosses behind Kent’s priciest development insist sales are “on track” as a huge decision on the project's next phase is set to be made tonight.
Work on a state-of-the-art leisure complex larger than two football pitches has begun as bosses reveal the grand opening date.
Anxious residents fear “eyesore” land where a youth centre once stood could be turned into housing as council bosses are looking to sell it off.
Tributes have been paid to a “kind” and “generous” antique shop owner who died suddenly after a short illness.
A Greggs bakery is to open at a petrol station after plans were given the nod.
Paul O’Grady’s widower has dropped the price of the star’s seven-bedroom farmhouse by almost £1 million.
A former Skins star who grew up in Kent before staring in TV and film returned to the county for his latest project.
Bosses at a family-run farm shop have announced it is closing its doors after 28 years in business.
A lorry driver has been arrested on suspicion of driving an HGV under the influence of alcohol.
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