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A passer-by was astonished to find a tiny abandoned kitten mewling from the undergrowth while out walking.
Hundreds of hard-up students living in private halls are calling on landlords to waive final rent instalments amid the Covid-19 crisis.
Hundreds of volunteers are working round the clock to turn several kilometers of material into protective gear for staff on the Covid-19 frontlines.
Organisers of another major Kent event have announced not be going ahead this summer due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Police have warned moped and motorbike owners to store their vehicles securely after a 19-year-old was arrested on suspicion of theft.
A funeral has been held for an 'amazing' nurse and mum-of-three who died after contracting Covid-19 while working on the frontlines of the pandemic.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced new steps the government is taking to help the social care sector during the Covid-19 crisis.
Organisers of a popular music festival that has run for more than 50 years have announced 'with a heavy heart' it will not go ahead this summer.
Staff at the University of Kent have responded to a hospice charity's urgent call for equipment to help keep staff safe during the Covid-19 pandemic.
At today's Covid-19 press conference Chancellor Rishi Sunak said times are "tough" for the economy, but remained positive that it will "bounce back".
People flushing wet wipes and kitchen roll down loos during the coronavirus lockdown has led to a surge in drain blockages.
The family of a man who died after being seriously injured in an ambulance crash remains divided over whether the driver should be retried.
A new coronavirus 'hot site' aimed at treating and assessing patients exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms has opened its doors.
Councils and police are urging visitors to stay home over the Bank Holiday weekend as temperatures are expected to soar amid the Covid-19 lockdown.
As church services are suspended due to Covid-19, the Archbishop of Canterbury has recorded a poignant online service to be streamed on Easter Sunday.
NHS staff fighting Covid-19 at a hospital left work to find catalytic converters had been stolen from their vehicles.
NHS services will operate as normal across the Easter weekend for those needing to see a doctor or pick up prescriptions amid the Covid-19 crisis.
A 27-year-old is due in court after a string of burglaries across the county in which car keys, wallets, handbags and vehicles were reported stolen.
An anonymous Kent street artist has sprayed a new piece dedicated to 'superhuman' medics fighting on the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemic.
A newly launched community hub is coordinating hundreds of volunteers who are helping to deliver vital groceries and prescriptions to those in need.