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Police descended on a town centre to arrest a man in connection with the suspected offences relating to a dangerous dog this afternoon.
Libertines frontman Pete Doherty has been holed up in a hospital bed after ignoring an injury caused by a hedgehog, which became infected.
A factory manager has warned about the chances of another fire ripping through a derelict industrial site ravaged by a blaze which lasted three weeks.
A pre-school is celebrating achieving a good Ofsted rating in its very first visit from education inspectors.
A six-month inquiry deciding whether to approve a massive £450 million solar farm in Kent is set to start as dates are revealed by inspectors.
Take a look inside the 19th century listed pub which has been officially reopened to mark a major renovation during the winter.
Police are investigating after a man was stabbed in the stomach.
Campaigners fighting a £40m NHS overhaul of stroke services by closing units reach their funding targets for judicial reviews against the move.
A six-year-old girl who drowned on a crowded beach was in the water alone after being told to wash after wetting herself.
Two burglars are behind bars after a spate of thefts from properties but were caught in the act fleeing a property they were attempting to raid.
An 18-year-old has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting three people at a Subway takeaway.
Record-breaking numbers for the seafront theme park's opening weeks has lead to bosses keeping the free entry scheme.
A man has allegedly been spotted using a meat cleaver to cut up a porpoise found washed up dead on a beach.
Developers hoping to build 49 homes on disused agricultural land in a village have revealed their designs for a new housing estate.
Fire safety risks identified at a council tower block have been flagged following an assessment as needing safety enhancements.
Group charged with causing a hospital power cut for hours will appear for the first time together in court later this month.
Temporary toilets are set to replace closed public conveniences on a seafront ahead of the busy summer season, the council has announced.
Police arrested a man after reports of someone 'swinging' an axe while walking through a town centre.
Travellers evicted by police and council enforcement teams after setting up another illegal camp - with one group moving to a new site yards away.
A police helicopter joined the search for a man after concerns were raised for his welfare.
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