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The motorway has been closed as police were called to concerns for a man's welfare seen near the junction.
Drugs, cash and a knife were seized by police after a suspicious vehicle was spotted by officers on patrol and pulled over.
A pub landlord is in hospital after being attacked in his own bar.
A police cordon has been put in place near a Tesco supermarket as officers stand guard around a suspected crime scene.
A pensioner reported missing has been found safe and well by police after an investigation to help find him.
Firefighters have been battling a fire at a home in which residents had to escape from the burning house.
After months of delays and traffic restrictions, a major road junction upgrade is finally set to end.
Ferry service cancellations by disgraced operator P&O have entered their 10th day with the company now having lost millions since sacking 800 staff.
A former police officer convicted of murdering a young woman has been further charged with alleged indecent exposure in a Kent town.
An off-duty police officer was injured after a suspected thief reportedly headbutted him while trying to steal beer.
An Asda worker was reportedly attacked and racially abused by a woman inside the shop as police launch an investigation.
The council has changed its household waste centre booking system meaning residents will be able to book a slot sooner.
A violent thug who stamped on a woman's head repeatedly during a savage attack then pushed and elbowed a police officer has been jailed.
A woman has been charged after a bag of tools was reported stolen from a van.
Roadworks will see the closure of a busy road tunnel for 10 nights as part of a wider scheme of upgrades.
Kent batter Zak Crawley has hit his second century for England during the first Test against West Indies.
A man seen walking along the busy dual carriageway has been detained after it emerged he was suspected of entering the UK illegally.
A multi-vehicle crash is causing traffic delays on the M20 with traffic stopped.
A prolific beggar who had been causing a nuisance to shoppers and businesses in a town centre has been banned from loitering in the streets.
Firefighters are tackling a large fire at an industrial unit with crews from 10 engines and a height vehicle battling the flames.
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