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The Government has refused emergency money for a charity which helps fund one of Kent's biggest hospices.
Developers behind a £75 million town centre regeneration project will field questions from the public about their plans in an online Q&A session.
Plans to complete the final phase of a dockyard redevelopment 30 years in the making have been revealed for the first time.
Doctors surgeries are ensuring children's vaccinations are safe to continue during the coronavirus lockdown as parents urged to attend appointments.
NHS bosses have warned well-meaning donors of scams selling low quality personal protection equipment and the best way to help the health service.
A hospital boss says while the Covid-19 peak has passed the public must stay home to prevent a second wave of the virus spreading.
A hospital trust has admitted it will have to step up after inspectors raised concerns despite ratings increasing across some departments.
A young man hoping to join the Royal Marines died after he was found hanging in a busy nightclub’s toilet.
With a coastline home to two of Britain's most important historic shipping lanes, Kent has a wealth of shipwrecks in the waters around the county.
Plans for the first homes in a new village as part of a huge garden city development have been given the green light by planners.
A woman was held up at gun point on her own doorstep by a gang of six men wearing skull masks.
The latest phase of a huge 1,400-home riverside development costing £417m has been given the green light.
The deadline for a £170m infrastructure project – including a £63m railway station – has been extended, giving a council more time finish its plans.
Vital freight routes between Kent and Europe have been given protection from the government to maintain supplies during the Covid-19 crisis.
Councillors paused their meeting being streamed online for the first time to take part in the weekly Clap for Carers.
Councillors distanced themselves in a row over a waste contractor derecognising a trade union amid concerns about safe working measures for binmen.
Crimes in Kent fell last year but there was a steep rise in the number of certain offences including drugs and illegal possession of weapons.
New figures reveal for the first time the areas of Kent with the highest number of people who have died from Covid-19.
A pharmacist says he feels as though the industry has been forgotten by the government but insists they're still open for business.
The county's air ambulance is desperately trying to raise more than half a million pounds to keep the life-saving helicopter in the skies.
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