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Cafe owner offering reward for return of a cartoon burger sign that hung outside his cafe and went missing one night
A seven-year-old girl has won a Lego competition with a fantastic version of the Christ Church Tower in the Garden of Remembrance on Sandgate Road
Renewed safety fears means the Road of Remembrance will remain closed longer than first expected
The Ska Splash event planned for August bank holiday weekend has been cancelled, organisers say
A pig who was left on her own on land in Folkestone, after her owners moved away, is now settling into a new home.
Road closed following landslip in weekend's storm due to reopen on Thursday
Two fire crews called to blaze in fourth floor flat this lunchtime
Major work to return Tram Road in Folkestone to a two-way carriageway begins this week. Plus emergency closure to repair water main in Sandgate
Union representatives will be staging a protest today outside the Saga headquarters in Folkestone
Two teenagers have been arrested following a brawl involving around 30 people on Friday night
Airshow organisers have defended their decision to ban UKIP setting up a stall after the party said they were disappointed at being refused a stand
Kent Police have added a man to their most wanted list in connection with an assault in Folkestone
An early morning crash closed a stretch of motorway this morning
A workers' union is planning a protest outside Saga offices over the company's plan to float on the stock exchange.
A recent poll suggests residents would be happy to pay more on their council tax bill for a working CCTV system in their town centre
A town in Kent is getting a Lego once over as a group asks residents to build landmarks out of the little bricks
A gallery's naked ambition to host world famous artist Spencer Tunick is realised after public vote win
Here’s a sneak peek at what’s been making the news in Folkestone & Hythe this week. The Folkestone and Hythe Express is out tomorrow - just 65p
Town's support shines through as voting deadline draws near for world famous artist Spencer Tunick
Council leader proposes council tax cut ahead of budget meeting next month
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