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The health secretary has confirmed half of Kent's six stroke units will close and be replaced by new "hyper acute" centres despite fierce opposition.
Dozens of illegal e-cigarettes have been seized by trading standards officers after they were found being sold in shops.
A man is in hospital after a crash between a pedestrian and a car near a town centre bus station causing delay on the busy route.
Lanes have been closed following a multi-vehicle crash on the A2 leading to delays and queues of nearly four miles.
A young woman left ill for several days after her drink was spiked on a night out says tougher measures and understanding is needed from venue bosses.
In another challenging year for our hospital staff many have gone above and beyond and now's the chance to recognise their achievements.
Riverside firms threatened by closure say they are "astonished" after a councillor suggested moving to a landlocked site.
A dad suffered a broken jaw and fractured eye socket in an horrific unprovoked attack while walking home through a park.
An "adored" 26-year-old fell to his death on a night out while trying to catch up with friends, an inquest has heard.
A thug who cut a man's throat with a knife and threw urine at police and paramedics in hospital has been jailed.
A crash is causing delays through a busy road tunnel with people stuck in queues.
Residents of a flat have been evicted and the property shut down following a campaign of anti-social behaviour causing misery for neighbours.
A football match raising money for the air ambulance in memory of a father and son killed in a road collision is set to kick off.
The purchase of a former office block, which was granted planning permission earlier this year to be converted, has been confirmed by a Kent council.
After helping thousands of children cross the road safely to get to and from schools for 40 years, a lollipop lady is set to enjoy her retirement.
A police detective has told an inquest jury he was disappointed more experienced officers rejected taking on a case before three more men were killed.
A man has appeared in court accused of two alleged rapes after a woman was reportedly attacked.
A road will be closed as specialists move a 280-tonne electricity transformer into position at a power station.
A man has suffered serious head injuries and remains in a critical condition in hospital after an assault led to an arrest by police.
A police incident at the Dartford Crossing is causing traffic to be held after a bag was found near the carriageway.
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