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A dentist under investigation for potentially posing serious risks to patients has been temporarily struck off the national register.
Police are hunting burglars after gold jewellery and a wooden crocodile were stolen from a house while the residents were watching TV.
A man has been charged over the death of a grandfather found dead by the harbour in the summer.
A wartime pistol is to be sent to a museum after it was handed in to police during an amnesty aimed at tackling gun crime.
Police have launched a murder investigation after a pub landlord was found shot at his pub.
Rain and gales failed to dampen the spirits of shoppers hunting for a bargain as discount chain B&M opened up its latest shop in Kent.
A fund has been set up to help the pregnant girlfriend and child of a man killed in an industrial accident.
A large and dark silhouette of a warship spotted off the Kent coast sparked concern this afternoon.
A GP surgery has been taken out of special measures after inspectors saw improvements in the quality of its service.
Letters from solicitors have been sent to parents for accusing a school of failing to act on complaints of bullying.
A man has been killed in what is being described as an 'industrial incident' as police launch an investigation.
A dental practice that abruptly shut its doors was under investigation by health authorities for "wide-ranging failings".
Controversial plans for a huge lorry park off the M20 as a solution to Operation Stack have been dropped by the government.
A woman had to be taken to hospital after being left trapped between two cars outside a village post office and shop.
Police and ambulance crews were called after a head-on smash on a hill left two people hurt and one in hospital.
An investigation is underway after fraudsters tried to con an elderly man out of cash by pretending to be police.
A serial cat killer might start attacking women and young girls, police have warned on the two-year anniversary of the probe into the animal deaths.
Passengers packed on to platforms for several hours after trains had to be cancelled, leaving people stranded in London and across Kent.
Four teenagers have been arrested after two men were allegedly dragged to the ground and attacked outside a wedding venue.
A weekend of entertainment is being laid on to honour one of the world's most famous musicians who frequently visited Kent.
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