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Police are trying to track down a teenage girl who was reportedly attacked in the street leading to two arrests after police were called by witnesses.
A jobs boost has been announced by a major builders merchant chain after revealing the opening date of its latest Kent branch.
A railway boss has apologised to commuters for suffering lengthy delays for three consecutive weeks on the return to work.
A drug dealing pair who imported £250,000 of cocaine inside books and paintings have been jailed after officers cracked an encrypted chat network.
A child and a man were injured after being hit by a van at a busy junction as police and ambulances respond to incident.
The start date of the formal planning examination to decide whether a £2.5bn theme park in Kent should go ahead has been delayed once again.
A series of overnight closures on the A2 are set to last for 12 nights while major works continue on £112m junction upgrades.
Thousands of new homes have been released in the latest phase of a garden city which will also see green spaces and a new primary school built.
A government minister has hinted threats of closing a working port for redevelopment may not be approved if it is found the local ecomony will suffer.
A therapy dog handler says she's been left in limbo about whether she can return to a hospital to provide much-needed support and relief to patients.
A man injured in a crash remains in a critical condition almost three weeks after a hit-and-run collision.
A hospital's emergency department team has been given a national award for ways it has been responding to treat patients during the Covid pandemic.
A man has been charged with murdering his father after a fatal stabbing.
A murder suspect was Tasered and arrested and is being held in custody after a man was found stabbed to death in the street.
Regular reviews of congestion caused by a major upgrade at the entrance to an industrial estate will be carried out, highways chiefs have promised.
Newly installed CCTV cameras outside schools saw more than 70 parents slapped with fines.
Building is finally under way on a £15 million investment for a world-class business park aiming to attract leading technology and science firms.
A teenage girl has been reported missing as police say they are growing increasingly concerned for her wellbeing.
A company which could be forced to leave Kent because of landowners' plans to redevelop on its riverside site secures £30m contract to supply HS2.
The call for firms to build 'the UK's Disneyland' went out last month drawing criticism from businesses fearing they will shut if plans go through.