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A teenage girl has been reported missing as police say they are growing increasingly concerned for her wellbeing.
A company which could be forced to leave Kent because of landowners' plans to redevelop on its riverside site secures £30m contract to supply HS2.
The call for firms to build 'the UK's Disneyland' went out last month drawing criticism from businesses fearing they will shut if plans go through.
A man has been in court accused of trying to stab a police officer in the chest.
Hundreds of runners have been pounding through the historic streets of a Kent town tonight as a mile fun run and sporting festival returns.
A little girl saved by three off-duty emergency workers has been reunited with them as their life-saving efforts were praised by Prince William.
A driver who ran off and left two of his passengers behind in a burning wreckage of the car after a crash has been jailed and banned from driving.
Superfast broadband providing speeds more than 100 times faster than normal networks is being installed in two Kent towns in a massive investment.
A new £8bn Thames crossing 'will ease congestion for 30 years' before returning to current levels as campaigners say plans are not up to the job.
A piece of naval history will go on display to the public in a warship's namesake Kent town after being handed over by the Royal Navy.
A council leader has been pressed to step up efforts to house and support Afghan refugees fleeing their homeland following the Taliban takeover.
A man was beaten and knocked out in an unprovoked street attack by thugs.
The first pupils have started at a brand new multi-million pound secondary school which has opened its doors for the new school year.
Drivers are facing gridlock with traffic coming to a standstill as schools return.
A highly controversial bid to renew the use of a former golf course as a council contractor's depot has been met with scores of angry responses.
Hobbycraft has revealed its latest Kent store will open next month with a grand opening planned and goody bags for the first 100 shoppers.
A man was arrested after police found two knives following a crash but he was released after inquiries found they were being carried legally.
Vaccination rates will play a key role in making sure children are safe from coronavirus on the return back to school, says Kent's TV doctor.
Olympic champion and soon-to-be Strictly star Adam Peaty met with aspiring young swimmers at a pool in Kent to give his top tips on how to win.
A man sitting on a bench was beaten in a random attack carried out by two strangers.
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