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A former pub which served a village for hundreds of years has been turned into a luxury Airbnb.
Landlords at a popular seaside pub dating back more than 200 years have stunned punters by announcing its sudden closure.
A leading car sales group has confirmed two of its Kent dealerships will close at the end of the month, leaving staff bewildered.
An iconic period building which has been home to much-loved bars and entertainment venues for several years, is set to be auctioned off this month.
Plans to build 2,000 homes on land owned by the University of Kent would destroy a vast swathe of countryside, campaigners say.
An outdoor clothing company will take on a prominent spot once occupied by Wilko, the third tenant to occupy the site in less than 12 months.
The final set of plans for a £40 million housing estate, 10 years in the making, have officially been approved.
A beloved but rundown palace described as a village’s “greatest historical asset” has hit the market due to the spiraling cost of vital repairs.
Plans for a million-pound sports pitch at one of Kent’s oldest schools have been resurrected less than a year after being withdrawn.
A blind gran was refused entry to a Morrisons Daily store with her guide dog - because the owner has “severe pet allergies”.
A convenience store has been stripped of its alcohol licence after selling vodka to girls as young as 13, with serious consequences.
A town centre KFC has unexpectedly shut with bosses confirming it will not be reopening.
We look back at life in Kent 25 years ago, reflecting on some of the biggest stories from 2000.
The family of a woman “shunned in the street” after being convicted of stealing from the Post Office hope to finally prove her innocence 27 years on.
A young woman “allergic to herself” has told how a cruel and undiagnosed disease has robbed her of her life.
A teenager who was savaged during a dog attack has been hailed a “hero” for shielding his puppy and younger brother during the ordeal.
There are fears a bridge used by thousands of motorists a day could collapse or cause a fatal accident if not repaired urgently.
Grim footage shows the moment a council contractor defecated in the middle of the road while on the job.
Enforcing the XL bully ban is set to cost police more than £1 million after figures showed more than one a week was put down in the first six months.
A boy on an e-scooter who is wanted in connection with reports of an attempted robbery threatened his victim with a Taser-like device.
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