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There are calls for action as figures reveal Kent is one of the worst places for motorcycle thefts.
A multi-agency blueprint has been published setting out how councils, healthcare bodies and charities can work together to improve health outcomes.
Traders say they don't feel safe after claims a number of people were randomly attacked in the street.
A taxi firm boss has told drivers to 'take the plunge' after vulnerable passengers are reportedly left without a ride because they did not have cash.
Operators of a town centre post office are to scrap running the service which will leave a busy town centre without a service or any banks.
A young family with a newborn baby have been left without hot water and central heating for six weeks because of a faulty boiler at their rented flat.
A new grooming salon has opened following a revamp at a pet store based at a retail park.
Vandals have daubed unsightly graffiti over the ancient walls of a castle belonging to Historic England.
It's been a busy period for the crew of HMS Medway as it carried out several missions across the Caribbean.
The construction company behind a controversial plan for 800 homes near a beauty spot has been branded "out of touch".
With drinks inspired by Charles Dickens characters, a new cocktail bar has opened just in time for a winter festival week in the new year.
A pub landlord is stepping back and retiring from the boozer he saved from closure but its future is in doubt as to whether it will be taken over.
A businessman who ran a gentleman's outfitters as well as uniform and tie factories has died.
A man has suffered "life changing injuries" after a double stabbing at a nightclub.
Fine-dining and a "wall of wine" will be on the menu at a new venue planned for a town centre.
A team made up largely of retired engineers and mechanics has taken on a challenge to restore a dilapidated Second World War aircraft.
An independent school where pupils have been educated for more than 1,400 years has appointed a new chairman of governors.
A court that hears civil and family matters is to be officially opened after moving to new premises.
Discount store Poundland is to open a new branch at a shopping centre this month with prizes on offer.
A branch of a popular burger chain is set to expand with plans for a new restaurant in a former town centre bank.
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