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A couple have spent £100k refurnishing a lightship which people will soon be able to pay to stay in.
There is a summer jobs bonanza at a revamped holiday park.
A disabled woman and her 90-year-old mum say they were left “stressed” and sleeping on furniture after a bed bug infestation at their flat.
Two Labour candidates have been put forward to take on the incumbent Tory MPs in one part of Kent.
The public is being warned that unpopular decisions will have to be made as a council manages the fallout of a decision to strip it of £170 million.
A convenience store is set to open on the site of a multi-million pound riverside development scheme.
The new licensee of an historic pub once frequented by Dickens has given it a rustic makeover.
An empty barn which has fallen into disrepair could be converted into accommodation for holiday-makers.
A new arts school which will offer qualifications to university level is set to open its doors to a new batch of students.
It has been confirmed £170m of funding is to be withdrawn from a council after the government lost faith in its ability to deliver a major project.
A high street busker whose vocal talents landed him a gig warming up for the Sugababes hopes it will be the next big step on his journey to stardom.
A troubled innovation park project looks to have turned a corner after it was revealed it has had contact from 200 companies keen to move in.
A church is faced with a £73k repair bill after an ancient wall collapsed and insurers refused to pay up.
A farm shop has expanded by moving into a prime town centre spot.
A restaurant chain owner has launched a new Mexican-themed bar, months after his previous business was shut down by landlords.
Owners of a fancy cocktail bar have blamed their sudden closure on the cost of living crisis.
Tributes have been paid to a brewery boss who has passed away suddenly, aged 56.
The owner of a historic town mansion is appealing to a thief who snatched a treasured antique possession to ‘post it back, no questions asked’.
A woman is calling for camera’s to be installed in all care home rooms after watching heartbreaking footage of her grandmother falling in her room.
Flowers have been left in a high street following the death of a popular Big Issue seller.