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Number of asylum seeker children putting huge pressure on social workers

07 June 2021
Number of asylum seeker children putting huge pressure on social workers

Social services in Kent are struggling to cope with the huge number of asylum seeker children needing help, the leader of the council has revealed.

Cash-strapped homeowners leave councils £20m out of pocket

07 June 2021
Cash-strapped homeowners leave councils £20m out of pocket

Councils in Kent are facing a £20m shortfall in council tax as a result of householders struggling to pay bills during the pandemic.

The quiet landslide that gave Labour a second term

07 June 2021
The quiet landslide that gave Labour a second term

Voters in Kent headed to the polls in 2001 and gave Labour a victory in seats they "thought we could never win.”


'Investing in education is a win-win. Why can't Boris see that?'

04 June 2021
'Investing in education is a win-win. Why can't Boris see that?'

Our political editor Paul Francis takes a look at all the big news from national and local politics this week.


£300 Op Brock fines set to stay

02 June 2021
£300 Op Brock fines set to stay

The government has set out plans to continue handing out on-the-spot fines for drivers who try to avoid Operation Brock.


Cummings and goings: MPs quiz PM's former right hand man

28 May 2021
Cummings and goings: MPs quiz PM's former right hand man

Our political editor Paul Francis takes a look at all the big news from national and local politics this week.


Elderly were 'lied to' over shielding says care chief

27 May 2021
Elderly were 'lied to' over shielding says care chief

The government failed over protecting elderly and vulnerable people during the pandemic says National Care Association chief.


What we learned from Cummings

26 May 2021
What we learned from Cummings

It was billed as political box office and didn't disappoint but what were the main points from Dominic Cummings' mammoth eight-hour testimony?


Kent MP to lead questioning of former adviser to PM

26 May 2021
Kent MP to lead questioning of former adviser to PM

The controversial former aide to the Prime Minister is set to be quizzed by a Kent MP about the government's coronavirus strategy.


Number of speeding fines issued in Op Brock revealed

25 May 2021
Number of speeding fines issued in Op Brock revealed

Kent Police has revealed the number of speeding tickets issued to drivers breaking the 50mph limit in Operation Brock this year.


'This housing shake-up is utter madness'

24 May 2021
'This housing shake-up is utter madness'

A council chief is warning that government housing reforms will lead to a developers' "free for all".


Transport in the spotlight in cabinet reshuffle

22 May 2021
Transport in the spotlight in cabinet reshuffle

A forced cabinet reshuffle at KCC in light of the recent elections has seen a change at the top for roads and transport.


Rebel MPs oppose new housing planning reforms

17 May 2021
Rebel MPs oppose new housing planning reforms

Several Kent MPs are in a fresh battle over controversial planning reforms they say are a gift to housing developers.


Queen rings bell for round two of house building fight

14 May 2021
Queen rings bell for round two of house building fight

Kent is in the danger zone over house-building reforms after the government signalled a rule change to speed up development.

Going Green - the rise of a party finding success in Kent

14 May 2021
Going Green - the rise of a party finding success in Kent

A party once dismissed as eccentric is moving to the political mainstream and finding success in Kent.


Fresh fears over house-building in Kent

12 May 2021
Fresh fears over house-building in Kent

The government is facing a backlash over plans to automatically give developments the green light.


Scott re-elected as PCC

10 May 2021
Scott re-elected as PCC

Matthew Scott has been re-elected to the post of PCC rounding off a series of elections in Kent.


'We will help county recover from pandemic'

08 May 2021
'We will help county recover from pandemic'

The leader of KCC says his top priority for the council will be to redouble its efforts to help the county recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.


Battle for County Hall reaches climax

07 May 2021
Battle for County Hall reaches climax

With counting set to get underway and 81 seats up for grabs the battle for control of County Hall is in its final hours - here's what to expect.


It's 'Super Thursday' as voters head for the polls

06 May 2021
It's 'Super Thursday' as voters head for the polls

Voting in Kent to decide who will run the county council and who will be the police and crime commissioner is underway.

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