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Kent MP defies government over Covid powers

25 March 2021
Kent MP defies government over Covid powers

One of the county's Tory MPs has voted against extending emergency powers for use during the pandemic for a further six months.


We could put France on red list, says PM

25 March 2021
We could put France on red list, says PM

Fears of new strains of coronavirus variants making it to Britain could lead to checks on hauliers arriving from France

Government pressed to find lorry parks outside Kent

22 March 2021
Government pressed to find lorry parks outside Kent

The government is being urged to find locations for lorry parks outside Kent as part of future plans to manage traffic disruption in the county.


The battle for County Hall

22 March 2021
The battle for County Hall

As we lurch out of lockdown there's a key vote on the horizon - here's everything you need to know about the council elections.


The week in politics: KCC gets in an election frenzy

19 March 2021
The week in politics: KCC gets in an election frenzy

Our political editor Paul Francis rounds up the latest goings on at Westminster and Kent County Council headquarters this week.


What is controversial Crime Bill?

16 March 2021
What is controversial Crime Bill?

As Kent MPs back the government's controversial Crime Bill here's why it's causing a stir.


Drop in poorer children getting into grammar schools

16 March 2021
Drop in poorer children getting into grammar schools

The number of children from less well-off backgrounds taking the Kent Test dropped last year, according to recent figures.

Nurses' pay and the man who led the Brexit charge retires

12 March 2021
Nurses' pay and the man who led the Brexit charge retires

Can Labour win in the council elections in May? It revealed one of its campaigning points this week.


Manston suspended for HGV checks

10 March 2021
Manston suspended for HGV checks

Emergency planners to stand down airport as HGV 'checkpoint' from later this month.


Lessons learned from Dover gridlock when border closed

09 March 2021
Lessons learned from Dover gridlock when border closed

Emergency planners say lessons have been learned from major shutdown at Channel ports in December.


Manston no longer needed says DfT

08 March 2021
Manston no longer needed says DfT

The Department for Transport says it will not be maintaining Manston airport as an emergency lorry park after its six-month contract ends.


'I quit' - Farage ends his political career

07 March 2021
'I quit' - Farage ends his political career

Our political editor takes a look back as Nigel Farage pulls down the curtain on his political career.


Calls grow for council tax reform

07 March 2021
Calls grow for council tax reform

Council tax bills are soaring as authorities struggle to balance the books but is there any other way of raising money? We look at the options.


Budget backlash and pothole blitz

05 March 2021
Budget backlash and pothole blitz

Our political editor Paul Francis rounds up the latest goings on at Westminster and Kent County Council headquarters this week.


Political analysis of Rishi Sunak's budget

03 March 2021
Political analysis of Rishi Sunak's budget

Our political editor Paul Francis gives his analysis of the Chancellor's 2021 budget.


Chancellor backs Thames free port plan

03 March 2021
Chancellor backs Thames free port plan

Thousands of jobs and millions of pounds of investment are promised under plans to create a new free port in The Thames.


'Children should not mingle outside school gates'

03 March 2021
'Children should not mingle outside school gates'

Kent Police has written to schools in one area of Kent urging them to ensure children do not breach Covid restrictions when they return to school.


'Life sentences for people trafficking won't work'

02 March 2021
'Life sentences for people trafficking won't work'

The Home Secretary's proposal of life sentences for people smugglers won't work, claims the head of an asylum seeker charity.

Call to cancel this year's Kent Test

01 March 2021
Call to cancel this year's Kent Test

There are calls to scrap this year's Kent Test for children hoping to go to grammar schools due to the disruption to learning caused by lockdown.


Tory rebels at KCC back in the fold

28 February 2021
Tory rebels at KCC back in the fold

Conservative county councillors who refused to back tax hike have now been reinstated to party.

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