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'Notorious' housing algorithm scrapped

16 December 2020
'Notorious' housing algorithm scrapped

Politicians have welcomed news that a controversial algorithm used to devise the number of new homes to be built in each area has been scrapped.


'Casino councils' gambling on retail revival

16 December 2020
'Casino councils' gambling on retail revival

Kent councils are banking on a revival in the fortunes of the retail and leisure sectors after investing millions in commercial property.


The negotiations go on...and on

13 December 2020
The negotiations go on...and on

Deal or no-deal? As it's confirmed Brexit trade talks will continue, our political editor Paul Francis details what is at stake.


Congestion around ports for months at a time

13 December 2020
Congestion around ports for months at a time

A 'no-deal' Brexit could lead to traffic mayhem.


Boris: One year in charge

12 December 2020
Boris: One year in charge

One year after he swept to victory has Boris Johnson delivered on his election promises?


What latest Brexit talks mean

10 December 2020
What latest Brexit talks mean

As Boris Johnson arrives back from his three-course meal in Brussels here's what his talks mean for Brexit.

Impact of Brexit lorry park still secret

10 December 2020
Impact of Brexit lorry park still secret

The Department for Transport is withholding information on the environmental impact of a huge Brexit lorry park.


Lorry drivers allowed to work longer to ease port congestion

10 December 2020
Lorry drivers allowed to work longer to ease port congestion

Hauliers have been permitted to drive for longer to ease port congestion but unions say the move risks crashes on the county's roads.


Council resumes looking after asylum seeking children

07 December 2020
Council resumes looking after asylum seeking children

The county council says it is to resume looking after young asylum seeker children when they arrive in Kent.

Brexit set to dominate the week ahead

07 December 2020
Brexit set to dominate the week ahead

With Brexit talks going to the wire, it's another crunch week in politics.


PM faces down rebellion

05 December 2020
PM faces down rebellion

This week in the world of local politics, vaccine hopes deliver some good news for an under-siege Prime Minister as Kent MPs join a revolt.


Kent to go into Tier 3 after PM survives rebellion

01 December 2020
Kent to go into Tier 3 after PM survives rebellion

Kent will move into tier three from midnight as planned after Boris Johnson survived a rebellion against the controversial system.


The week in Kent politics: what's in store

30 November 2020
The week in Kent politics: what's in store

Our political editor looks ahead at another crunch week for Boris, Brexit and the fallout over coronavirus restrictions.

Kent MPs divided on blanket ban

29 November 2020
Kent MPs divided on blanket ban

Two MPs in high coronavirus infection areas have distanced themselves from calls for the government to look again at blanket restrictions.


Mutinous mood among Tory MPs

27 November 2020
Mutinous mood among Tory MPs

Boris Johnson is facing anger from Kent MPs as his government places county in Tier 3.


Historic spending to help recovery - analysis

25 November 2020
Historic spending to help recovery - analysis

Our political editor looks at what the latest budget announcement means for Kent.


What spending review might mean for you

25 November 2020
What spending review might mean for you

A pay freeze for the public sector set to be announced could hit thousands in Kent, while councils wait anxiously to learn of any potential support.

MPs rapped on knuckles over 'naughty Tory' letter

24 November 2020
MPs rapped on knuckles over 'naughty Tory' letter

MPs have been rapped for writing to judges ahead of a hearing to rule on publication of references for shamed 'naughty Tory' Charlie Elphicke.


A spending review that could hit voters hard

23 November 2020
A spending review that could hit voters hard

Our political editor looks ahead at a week likely to be full of Christmas cheer and tightened purse strings.


MPs to vote on Kent Access Permit for hauliers

22 November 2020
MPs to vote on Kent Access Permit for hauliers

Plans to force hauliers to have a permit to enter the county to get to the Channel ports post Brexit, will take a major step forward this week.

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