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Drink-drive policeman may lose job

23 September 2016
Drink-drive policeman may lose job

A police officer is likely to lose his job after driving to work over the alcohol limit.

Ex-partner left black and blue after attack by thug

23 September 2016
Ex-partner left black and blue after attack by thug

A terrified teenage girl cradled her mother after a beating by her ex-partner.

Thug savagedly beat his partner in public

23 September 2016
Thug savagedly beat his partner in public

Police found a violent man covered in a woman's blood after being called by concerned neighbours.

Judge: 'Women are not punch bags'

22 September 2016
Judge: 'Women are not punch bags'

A former drug addict has been jailed after beating his ex-partner three times in three months.

Driver jailed after 80mph wrong-way motorway horror

21 September 2016
Driver jailed after 80mph wrong-way motorway horror

A factory worker - who drove up the M20 the wrong way before a horror crash - had been on a 50-hour trip from Poland on little sleep.

Cowboy builder charged £54k for £2k job

20 September 2016
Cowboy builder charged £54k for £2k job

A rogue trader who ripped off a pensioner by charging him a whopping £54,100 for work that should have cost just £2,600 has been jailed.

Child rapist bribed victim with Xbox games

20 September 2016
Child rapist bribed victim with Xbox games

A teenager has been locked up for 12 years for raping a child after bribing him with computer games and showing him pornography.

Uni bomb hoaxer sent to hospital with mental illness

19 September 2016
Uni bomb hoaxer sent to hospital with mental illness

A university bomb hoaxer who caused terror at a university with three fake threats has been sent to hospital under a court order.

'Bat out of hell' driver found in car with dead mother

19 September 2016
'Bat out of hell' driver found in car with dead mother

A drug-driver who killed his mother when he smashed into a parked lorry was trapped in his car with her body for half an hour, a court heard.

Courtroom photo lands right-wing activist in jail

17 September 2016
Courtroom photo lands right-wing activist in jail

A far-right activist has been jailed - for photographing a suspected rioter in a court corridor.

Mum jailed for drunken rage fight at McDonald’s

17 September 2016
Mum jailed for drunken rage fight at McDonald’s

A trainee beautician flew into a "burger rage" - breaking a woman's elbow in a bust-up over queue jumping at McDonald's.

Boy, 7, nearly drowns at school event

15 September 2016
Boy, 7, nearly drowns at school event

A fee-paying school has been fined £18,000 after a boy nearly drowned in a pool supervised by lifeguards without current safety certificates.

Disgraced head given lifetime teaching ban

14 September 2016
Disgraced head given lifetime teaching ban

A former head teacher who used his school's credit card as his own "free" loan has been banned from teaching for life.

Rapist guilty of abusing child 40 years ago

12 September 2016
Rapist guilty of abusing child 40 years ago

A sex predator who abused a child decades ago has been convicted - more than a decade after walking free from court on similar charges.

Coach driver jailed over double fatal crash

12 September 2016
Coach driver jailed over double fatal crash

A National Express coach driver who caused the deaths of two people by driving dangerously has been jailed for four years.

Ukip aide avoids jail for stealing from taxpayer

07 September 2016
Ukip aide avoids jail for stealing from taxpayer

A former Ukip MEP's aide who admitted trying to inflate a meal receipt for an official bash during the general election campaign has avoided jail.

Ex-arcade owner denies eight child sex abuse charges

06 September 2016
Ex-arcade owner denies eight child sex abuse charges

A former arcade owner has gone on trial accused of a series of sex attacks, including rape, on a young girl.

Victim stared down barrel of gun after burglars burst in

06 September 2016
Victim stared down barrel of gun after burglars burst in

A man has described the terrifying moment he stared down the barrel of a gun as masked burglars wielding weapons burst into his home.

Burglar released from jail early went on to steal war medals

05 September 2016
Burglar released from jail early went on to steal war medals

A heartless burglar ransacked a home in Kent and stole the medals of a war hero - but when the raid took place, he could have been locked up.

Ex-MEP staff chief admits meal scam

05 September 2016
Ex-MEP staff chief admits meal scam

An ex-MEP's colleague has admitted trying to inflate a meal bill by thousands of pounds after eating in a Kent restaurant.

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