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Jail for 'dangerous' robber who groped victim at knifepoint

11 December 2013
Jail for 'dangerous' robber who groped victim at knifepoint

Homeless Alan Richardson has been sentenced to nearly eight years after groping a woman he was robbing at knifepoint.

Wrong man appears in court on whisky charge

10 December 2013
 Wrong man appears in court on whisky charge

A man walked free from court this week – after lawyers admitted he was NOT the shoplifter caught on camera.

Burglar who stole child's TV breaks deal with judge

09 December 2013
Burglar who stole child's TV breaks deal with judge

A burglar who made a deal with a judge to give back a child's stolen TV in return for his tagging 'freedom' has broken his word.

Footballer scarred for life after being knocked out in unprovoked pub assault

06 December 2013
Footballer scarred for life after being knocked out in unprovoked pub assault

A footballer has been left permanently scarred after an unprovoked attack by a man who thought he had been looking at his girlfriend in a pub.

Judge jails man... despite letter claiming he is dead

05 December 2013
Judge jails man... despite letter claiming he is dead

A judge has handed a jail sentence to a man who failed to turn up for community service - despite being told he is dead.

Pub chef spared jail after defrauding his own gran by stealing cheque book

04 December 2013
Pub chef spared jail after defrauding his own gran by stealing cheque book

A thieving pub chef has avoided prison after running up £5,000 of debts after stealing his trusting grandmother's cheque book.

Thug walks free after attack on police and several assaults on girlfriend

03 December 2013
Thug walks free after attack on police and several assaults on girlfriend

A cocaine-fuelled lover has walked free after subjecting his girlfriend to several violent attacks 'because he wasn't ready to be a father'.

Driver guilty of killing day tripper in crash

03 December 2013
Driver guilty of killing day tripper in crash

A jury has convicted a driver who killed a fellow day tripper in a crash after both returned home from Belgium.

Drunken bully who headbutted girlfriend in festive plea

02 December 2013
Drunken bully who headbutted girlfriend in festive plea

A bully who headbutted his partner three times faces porridge on Christmas Day... after a judge refused his plea to spend the festivities with her.

Victim of Olympic torch pervert 'given thousands in hush money'

30 November 2013
Victim of Olympic torch pervert 'given thousands in hush money'

A mother sexually abused by a man who went on to carry the Olympic torch was given £1,000 a month to keep quiet, it's been revealed.

'I used to feel safe in my home, but you have changed that'

30 November 2013
'I used to feel safe in my home, but you have changed that'

A burglary victim has penned an emotion-charged letter... to the heroin addict who raided her home and left her 'angry, upset, frightened and scared'.

Au pair jailed after viewing vile child abuse movies in front of boy

28 November 2013
Au pair jailed after viewing vile child abuse movies in front of boy

A male au pair has been locked up after watching illegal movies of the abuse of children as young as six... in front of a boy he was looking after.

Drink driver in 130mph motorway police chase avoids jail

28 November 2013
Drink driver in 130mph motorway police chase avoids jail

A driver who led police on a 130mph motorway chase before running three lights is free today... because he didn't crash.

Student jailed for having loaded sawn-off shotgun in street

27 November 2013
Student jailed for having loaded sawn-off shotgun in street

The son of a church-going couple has been locked up for 12 years after police found him with a loaded sawn-off shotgun in a quiet residential street.

Ex-nurse faces trial accused of trying to poison woman

25 November 2013
Ex-nurse faces trial accused of trying to poison woman

A former nurse has today been told he is due to stand trial accused of administering poison to a woman and attempting to meet a 14-year-old girl.

Jail for truck driver who killed 'greatly missed' dad in crash

22 November 2013
Jail for truck driver who killed 'greatly missed' dad in crash

A driver has been jailed after his truck struck and killed a 'football-mad' vintage car owner after it broke down on the A2.

Pervert butcher jailed after child sex shame exposed by Olympic torch glory

22 November 2013
Pervert butcher jailed after child sex shame exposed by Olympic torch glory

An ex-butcher has today been locked up for three years for child abuse dating back three decades after he was recognised carrying the Olympic torch.

Mum loses unborn baby days after vile attack by boyfriend

22 November 2013
Mum loses unborn baby days after vile attack by boyfriend

A pregnant woman suffered a miscarriage while recovering from a beating by her boyfriend who punched and kicked her as she cowered on the ground.

Hairdresser burglar fails to get sentence cut

21 November 2013
Hairdresser burglar fails to get sentence cut

A burglar who turned to hairdressing will not be tasting the fringe benefits of freedom... after failing to get his sentence shaved.

Card player 'blinded' as tempers flare in adult drinking game

21 November 2013
Card player 'blinded' as tempers flare in adult drinking game

An adult's 'truth or dare-style' drinking game went horribly wrong when a jealous lover challenged a player over an affair, a court was told.

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