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'I'll chop you up, you coward!'

30 April 2015
'I'll chop you up, you coward!'

A dad-of-three armed himself with a samurai sword and chased off two bailiffs yelling "I'll chop you up, you coward!".

Armed robbers admit masked raid on post office

27 April 2015
Armed robbers admit masked raid on post office

Two masked robbers who stormed a post office - and sparked a huge police chase after fleeing the scene - have admitted the raid.

Woman posed as terrorist sparking bomb alerts

27 April 2015
Woman posed as terrorist sparking bomb alerts

A series of bomb alerts was a hoax orchestrated by a middle-aged woman, a court heard.

Pair cleared after knife victim left fighting for life

23 April 2015
Pair cleared after knife victim left fighting for life

Two men have been cleared of trying to kill a pizza delivery driver after he was left critically ill in a repeated stabbing.

Predator jailed after copycat sex attack on girl

23 April 2015
Predator jailed after copycat sex attack on girl

A paedophile is behind bars for the second time - after using his earlier attacks as a blueprint for more horrific sex crimes.

Male pole dancer jailed after slipping into crime

22 April 2015
Male pole dancer jailed after slipping into crime

A male pole dancer who competed on the national stage has been jailed after turning to drug dealing.

Squats reveal class A drugs

22 April 2015
Squats reveal class A drugs

More than 40 wraps of cocaine and heroin were discovered when police asked a dealer to do squats.

Sex attacker's sordid past

21 April 2015
Sex attacker's sordid past

A predator who pounced on a woman in a terrifying attack committed a near-identical offence years earlier, it's been revealed.

Drug addict lies to judge about having cancer

21 April 2015
Drug addict lies to judge about having cancer

A drug addict avoided going straight to prison after he lied to a judge about having cancer.

Video: Serial burglar jailed after being caught on CCTV

20 April 2015
Video: Serial burglar jailed after being caught on CCTV

Watch the dramatic moment a serial burglar breaks into a celebrity antiques dealer's store - as the culprit is given a long stretch behind bars.

Man walks free from court after alleged victim dies

20 April 2015
Man walks free from court after alleged victim dies

A young man remanded in custody on a burglary charge has been freed – after the death of the householder.

Cowboy landscapers in 'mean and despicable' con

17 April 2015
Cowboy landscapers in 'mean and despicable' con

Two Kent conmen - exposed in a Watchdog investigation - ripped off homeowners by carrying out shoddy and poor landscaping work costing thousands.

Pair deny trying to kill delivery driver in botched robbery

15 April 2015
Pair deny trying to kill delivery driver in botched robbery

A pizza delivery driver was left fighting for his life after being stalked by two men and then stabbed six times, a court heard.

Good Samaritan assaulted by drunken thug

14 April 2015
Good Samaritan assaulted by drunken thug

A carer ended up with three broken ribs and a punctured lung after he tried to help two women.

Firebug released despite court order

10 April 2015
Firebug released despite court order

A prison governor will have to explain to a judge why a firebug with mental health problems was allowed out of jail.

Driver’s road ban for ‘using his car as weapon’

03 April 2015
Driver’s road ban for ‘using his car as weapon’

A furious driver has lost his licence after using his car as a weapon to knock a cyclist off his bike in a road rage attack.

Treasurer siphoned off £90k to fund extravagant lifestyle

02 April 2015
Treasurer siphoned off £90k to fund extravagant lifestyle

A treasurer at an international voluntary organisation blew £90,000 of the association's cash on expensive meals, flowers and holidays.

Acquitted jeweller slapped with a restraining order

31 March 2015
 Acquitted jeweller slapped with a restraining order

A Ramsgate jeweller – who owns Bleak House in Broadstairs – left court with a grim warning despite being acquitted of a race-hate crime.

Burglar caught after leaving phone at crime scene

31 March 2015
Burglar caught after leaving phone at crime scene

A dozy burglar who left his mobile phone at a garage he had broken into has been jailed for a string of raids, assaults, and possessing amphetamine.

Wife paints different picture in tax returns

31 March 2015
Wife paints different picture in tax returns

Suspended sentence for the wife of a Margate painter and decorator after she fiddled nearly £19,000 from the taxman.

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