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Drunken Ramsgate man "mystified" by his possession of imitation gun

17 January 2014
Drunken Ramsgate man "mystified" by his possession of imitation gun

A drunken Ramsgate man – caught with a Beretta-style revolver – later told police he had no idea how he got it.

Accused 'stood and laughed during deadly attack on homeless man'

16 January 2014
Accused 'stood and laughed during deadly attack on homeless man'

One of two men accused of killing a rough sleeper after an attack in a popular park "stood there laughing" during the assault, a jury heard.

Driver spared jail after pensioner killed in day trip horror crash

15 January 2014
Driver spared jail after pensioner killed in day trip horror crash

A man has today avoided prison after being convicted of causing the death of a pensioner by careless driving in a crash at the end of a day trip.

Brazen thief in two-fingered salute to victim

14 January 2014
Brazen thief in two-fingered salute to victim

A cocky thief was so brazen he stole a scrap yard boss's car... and then stuck up two fingers up as he drove off in front of him.

Drug-fuelled bully jailed after tugging out girlfriend's hair

13 January 2014
Drug-fuelled bully jailed after tugging out girlfriend's hair

A jealous boyfriend was high on cocaine when he pulled out his girlfriend's hair in front of her children, leaving a bald patch.

Thief facing jail after child’s TV stays missing as he breaks deal with judge

09 January 2014
Thief facing jail after child’s TV stays missing as he breaks deal with judge

A burglar who broke a deal with a judge to return a child's stolen television is now facing a three-year prison sentence.

Pub boss 'borrows' £19k from firm to cheer up wife

09 January 2014
Pub boss 'borrows' £19k from firm to cheer up wife

A pub manager decided to cheer up his wife - grieving over the loss of her mother - by stealing £19,000 and blowing it on evenings out and DIY.

Pal's horror as man 'attacked twice' over wife-beating taunts

08 January 2014
Pal's horror as man 'attacked twice' over wife-beating taunts

A woman has told a court how a homeless alcoholic was severely beaten in a peace park over claims he was a wife beater.

Thug finally behind bars... eight years after soldier brawl

08 January 2014
Thug finally behind bars... eight years after soldier brawl

Justice has caught up with a thug who went on the run eight years ago after being charged with a brawl at Kent barracks in which a soldier was kicked.

'I woke up and realised it wasn't a dream'

07 January 2014
'I woke up and realised it wasn't a dream'

A car thief who left an £18,000 trail of destruction when he rammed into a chip shop said he thought he'd dreamt the crash.

Woman faces murder bid trial despite admitting knife attack

07 January 2014
Woman faces murder bid trial despite admitting knife attack

A woman who has admitted wounding her boyfriend in a knife attack faces an attempted murder case.

Woman admits wounding boyfriend with knife

07 January 2014
Woman admits wounding boyfriend with knife

A business development manager from Margate has admitted wounding her boyfriend in a knife attack last year.

Kent's barristers 'down tools' in historic court boycott

06 January 2014
Kent's barristers 'down tools' in historic court boycott

For the first time in history, barristers are to stage a boycott today in a protest against the slashing of Legal Aid fees.

Dim burglar pawned stolen camera... using his prison ID

20 December 2013
Dim burglar pawned stolen camera... using his prison ID

A brainless burglar who sold a stolen camcorder to a pawn shop using his prison licence and bail notice as ID is back behind bars

Jealous ex-lover jailed for trashing home of unborn baby's mum

19 December 2013
Jealous ex-lover jailed for trashing home of unborn baby's mum

A furious young man wrecked everything in an orgy of violence at the home of his ex-girlfriend... because she admitted she no longer loved him.

Man behind bars for raping girl after crimes revealed on Facebook

18 December 2013
Man behind bars for raping girl after crimes revealed on Facebook

A young man who feared being labelled a "nonce" has been locked up for raping a 12-year-old girl - after revealing on Facebook what he had done.

Police detective told 'rape victim' to phone charity advice line

18 December 2013
Police detective told 'rape victim' to phone charity advice line

A detective is under investigation by Kent Police after advising an alleged rape victim to ring the Citizens Advice Bureau, a court heard.

Escaped prisoner found... hiding in mother's wardrobe

17 December 2013
Escaped prisoner found... hiding in mother's wardrobe

A young inmate fled prison when officers were about to search his cell... but was found hours later hiding in his mother's wardrobe.

Teacher jailed over child abuse images after being arrested on school trip

13 December 2013
Teacher jailed over child abuse images after being arrested on school trip

A deputy head teacher who downloaded hours of disgusting child abuse videos has been jailed - after being arrested on a school trip.

Billionaire son's Twitter boasts after kidnapping dog he gave away

12 December 2013
Billionaire son's Twitter boasts after kidnapping dog he gave away

A billionaire's son stole a pedigree dog in a military-style operation... then live-tweeted his crime.

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