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Murder trial jurors have heard how police were called to a suspect's home just days before he is alleged to have killed a love rival.
A murder case jury has visited the scene where a homeless man was said to have been beaten to death.
A con woman plundered elderly men's bank accounts after baring her breasts and offering sex in return for cash.
A thief who stole £72,000 of silver ingots from his bosses was caught on camera planning a fake break-in to take even more.
A drunk came close to being shot by police after he armed himself with a crossbow in a search for vodka.
Two men face a long stretch behind bars after a brutal attack with a mallet.
The girlfriend of a man accused of murder has told a court his alleged victim was in love with her and wanted to get married.
A loan agent who stole thousands from her bosses was caught years later... when she applied to them for a loan.
A woman who befriended a disabled man plundered his bank account then claimed he spent the cash on "crack cocaine and prostitutes".
A drunk who was thrown out of a pub returned later armed with a machete and a North American tomahawk.
A former deputy head teacher and foster carer has been locked up after trying to arrange groping sessions with young girls.
A reformed heroin addict who opened a drink and drug rehab centre has been fined - after he exposed himself to neighbours who want it shut down.
A homeless man has told how he awoke to see a man lying 'dead' with blood pouring out of his head after an all-day binge drinking session.
A former deputy head teacher and foster carer is facing a long prison sentence after trying to arrange groping sessions with young girls.
Natalie Imbruglia takes her first stage acting role within Alan Ayckbourn's comedy
Two men caught with metal stolen from Dreamland - Britain's oldest amusement park - have left damage that will cost £30,000 to repair.
A rapist whose eyes turned blood-red while talking about Satan and the Devil during a brutal attack has been jailed for 18 years.
A father-of-two was murdered by a love rival so consumed with jealousy that he launched a 15-minute savage and vicious beating, a court heard.
A six-year-old girl begged her father to stop a horrifying attack on her mother - before being led away in tears by her brave brother.
An 85-year-old man is likely to die in prison after being locked up for a string of historic sex offences on children.
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