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A Kent teenager who is appearing in a TV musical bootcamp will know today if he has enough votes to make the final.
Police are appealing for witnesses to a crash that resulted in a woman being airlifted to a London hospital.
A village pub has been forced to close "due to a lack of local support".
The future of a super surgery hangs in the balance as plans for a new multimillion-pound building hit a brick wall.
A major £2.2m scheme to transform St Mildred's church involves replacing the pews with removable seating.
A major's extraordinary courage has been remembered by his family 100 years after his death.
Police want to identify a man who called at pensioner's house claiming he needed to service the boiler.
A teenager who relies on a cocktail of drugs to keep her alive is sharing her experiences in a bid to help others.
A council has told grieving relatives they are only allowed to lay flowers at their loved ones' memorial benches once a year.
Carrier bags full of food have arrived at Appledore vicarage following the theft of harvest festival produce from the church altar.
A landlord who lost a battle to keep his pub painted pink has quit over noise complaints.
Fox hunting supporters were seen laughing as a female saboteur was sent hurtling to the ground from a gate where she landed on her head.
A mum is appealing to get her daughter's bus pass re-instated after KCC cancelled it and said she must go to school in East Sussex to get free travel.
A pedestrian bridge was smashed up the day after it was installed in what has been described as "sickening vandalism".
Police have warned parents to be vigilant after a mum spotted a man appearing to take photos of her 10-year-old daughter outside a ballet class.
Talented singer Cooper Stout says wants to “sell out stadiums” and he's just one of eight youngsters on TV musical bootcamp Got What It Takes?
Shocking footage of boy bikers doing wheelies into oncoming traffic as they ride in groups through town centres has emerged.
Thieves broke into a cricket club and stole money being collected for charity.
A vicar burst into tears after bags full of donated harvest festival produce for the needy were swiped.
Angry residents fear a “bodge job” repair by council contractors in a town centre will lead to someone getting hurt.
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