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We meet the collectors from Kent whose passion for soccer replica kits has lead them on a quest to track down rare and coveted shirts.
A murder probe launched by detectives after the grisly discovery of a body over an Indian restaurant has been closed.
A Caribbean restaurant is to open at a leisure complex this evening - competing with the likes of Taco Bell and German Doner Kebab.
A landlord says he is surprised at opposition to beer garden plans after receiving just one noise complaint in eight years.
A spoof news segment in which people in a coastal town express anti-immigrant sentiments has drawn criticism on social media.
The retailer's latest festive ad campaign tells the heart-warming tale of a middle-aged man taking up a new hobby.
A butcher says his business is in danger of folding due to the impact of roadworks on the street outside, preventing customers from coming in.
A hotel chain behind one of Kent's most recognisable seaside hotels has been rated worst in the UK for the tenth year running.
New research reveals the extent of abuse of MPs on social media - and finds two Kent politicians are among the UK's most targeted.
Moving floral tributes have been left at a beach where a woman in her 90s died.
Garry and Chelsea launched this year's festive appeal on kmfm Breakfast this morning.
A young woman feared she might die after an attacker smashed her head against the wall of a dark alleyway.
A town centre shopping complex has been battered by high winds which damaged the roof of one of the retail units.
Households across Kent are facing even more financial pain after the Bank of England hiked interest rates to 3% and warned unemployment could double.
A company contracted by the Home Office to house asylum seekers has seen its profits soar as record numbers arrive in the UK.
We joined queuing punters keen to grab a bite at the county's latest Taco Bell - which has opened today opposite a long-established McDonald's.
A couple who run a Kent gym have told how they also make huge sums of money sharing adult videos online - but some envy their success.
A former discount shop - now derelict - should be used for a new medical centre rather than an ex-Debenhams, a society is arguing.
With asylum seekers continuing to make the treacherous journey across the Channel in huge numbers, we look at whether a change of policy is required.
Our reporter had a sense of trepidation as tried out the Thai night at a popular pub - but after his first mouthful, he was "in love".