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An MP is isolating after revealing they have tested positive for Covid-19.
A grey seal pup who was discovered on a beach has been taken into the care of a wildlife centre.
Four fire engines and a height vehicle have been sent to the scene of a blaze on the fifth floor of a block of flats.
Campaigners are trying to raise almost £16,500 to fund a free four-day town centre light trail next Christmas.
A council is offering grants of up to £10,000 to help bring vacant shops in a town centre back to life.
A town's MP says consideration should be given to locating the new national headquarters of Great British Railways there because of its rail heritage.
A hugely popular Sunday league chairman choked to death while on holiday.
Plans for an ambitious redevelopment of the site of a former railway works have been given a £14.7 million boost in the budget.
The iconic yellow motor which was driven by David Jason in the much-loved comedy drama Darling Buds of May last sold for £100,000.
A charity which helps turn around the lives of young people will open its first centre in the county following the purchase of a guest house.
The days of signallers opening and closing barriers at a busy rail crossing could be numbered by a planned automation upgrade.
A photo of a car belonging to a Kent man who has been missing for six months has been released by police in a fresh appeal for help to find him.
Angry parents are threatening to withdraw their children from a new-build primary school amid concerns over 'hazardous' access to the site.
Residents walked out midway through a meeting to discuss the long-awaited replacement of a community centre which was torn down pre-pandemic.
Young adults with learning disabilities have opened a new business where they can gain the skills needed to move from education to employment.
Floral tributes have been left at the scene of a fatal accident which saw a car strike a young pedestrian crossing a road close to a busy roundabout.
A gang of four men drove a car into a motorcyclist before attacking him and stealing his bike.
Riders have been accused of a "lack of respect" after they were seen to traverse a chalk cross dedicated to war heroes.
A council leader has launched a taskforce to map an entire borough and called for more housebuilding outside the south of England.
A tribute to an MP killed in a stabbing will be included on a White Cliffs memorial to the 'forces sweetheart' which he campaigned for.