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An inquest has heard how an 'anxious and confused' patient suffocated herself while awaiting cancer test results.
Lawyers representing the family of a fugitive shot and killed by police have accused senior officers of failures leading to his death.
Apprentice hairdressers have been given specialist training to help them identify clients suffering from domestic abuse.
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission is urging people to discover the history behind our memorials and cemeteries here at home.
An inquest has heard a former Kent Police officer defend his role in the aftermath of a shooting of a fugitive.
An inquest has heard police hunting an armed fugitive believed he might provoke officers into shooting him dead.
Police investigating a series of fires which saw litter bins set alight have arrested a woman on suspicion of arson.
A pub had to shut almost a week before lockdown after the landlord, landlady and members of the football team contracted the virus.
An inquest has heard how a 'career criminal' wanted over a brutal killing was shot by police sent to apprehend him.
A council has been accused of using ‘a sledgehammer to crack a nut’ when dealing with issues at a village car park.
Rates of coronavirus infection continue to rise across the county amid growing calls for a fresh national lockdown to fight the pandemic.
A pair of thieves made off with a large amount of cash after gaining entry to a woman's home.
Another man has been charged in relation to a break-in where cash, jewellery and a motorcycle were stolen.
Anger at rejection of free school meals plan leads to big reaction from businesses and individuals.
Two pubs have had to close their doors for deep cleaning after staff and a customer tested positive for coronavirus.
Police officers on the streets of Kent have been kicked, headbutted and spat on during a spate of attacks in just one day.
A teenage drug dealer who came from London to prey on vulnerable people in a coastal town has been sentenced.
A man who was arrested following an attempt to steal a cash machine, admitted three offences when he appeared in court.
We raise a glass to the county's best boozers which earned a coveted place in this year's Good Beer Guide.
Homeowners in a street at risk of flash flooding are urging the council to do more to keep drains flowing freely.