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The rare birds were not seen in the Kentish skies for 200 years and have been released into the wild as part of a ground-breaking project.
A cannabis dealer has been ordered to repay his ill-gotten gains or spend longer in prison and still have to pay back the cash.
A bride who won a pub competition as a child will finally receive her prize, 25 years on.
A pub landlord has called time at the bar quoting music legend Bob Dylan to announce the closure of the town centre boozer.
A major renovation project at a leisure centre could be complete by 2027, but users say it’s a shame the slides will be removed.
A group of men have been arrested after a property was raided, with drugs and cash found by police.
A mum has told how she was able to save her son’s life with a special anti-choking device after he put a penny in his mouth.
Plans to create a wetland to mitigate wastewater polluting a river and nature reserve have been approved amid drinking water contamination fears.
A council says the cost of fixing a historic library would take up almost its entire set budget for maintaining 300 buildings across the county.
A pub that existed for more than a century, and was once the centre of a murder investigation, has now become a shop.
Residents are in dismay following the “tough decision” to shut a high street charity shop in a bid to save money.
Two men are to appear in court this month after a night of vandalism in which bins were set alight.
A pair of drug dealers who tried jumping out of a window to escape police have been jailed.
A gym owner has lost more than a third of his members in just four months amid parking chaos on nearby streets.
Intriguing artwork is being used to brighten up a building site as affordable homes are constructed.
An independent garage has closed after almost 100 years as the lease has run out and the landowner is selling up.
All three emergency services were called to an accident this morning.
A new image shows a village high street now completely resurfaced after being blighted with holes.
Residents in a built-up area are bracing for noisy nights of roadworks - including the “prolonged” use of pneumatic tools and warning sirens.
The closure of a popular town centre wine bar has been described as the “end of an era” by regulars.