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Tributes have poured in for a woman who was a lifeboat station volunteer for nearly 60 years.
A grandmother diagnosed with an incurable cancer almost a decade ago has praised a “wonderful” new clinical trial for keeping her symptoms at bay.
A new 83-bed care home for dementia patients will replace a former convent, despite a swell of opposition.
Witnesses are being sought after two burglaries happened in the same town over two days.
A head teacher has warned of the “serious risk” to pupils at a busy three-way junction due to “high volumes of cars” mounting a kerb.
A Kent schoolboy and candidate on the latest series of The Apprentice discusses competing on the popular show and his respect for Lord Sugar.
The fire brigade was called out to a blaze at a home, with crews spending two hours putting out the flames.
A museum hopes to raise £58k in less than three weeks on behalf of "the nation" - to stop a collection of war medals from going to private buyers.
Part of a high street is due to shut for a week for gasworks and diversion routes have been planned.
Has a £53 million shopping centre sucked the life out of a town’s traditional high street as was feared seven years ago? We went to find out.
There are fears someone could be killed after the roof of a long-abandoned building partially caved in.
Neighbours who say their street already smells are worried it will only get worse if plans for more homes nearby are approved.
A married couple have taken the difficult decision to close their much-loved high street business, which they have run for the past 14 years.
Police swooped on premises illegally selling tobacco and as a bonus came across a man wanted for recall to prison.
A newspaper columnist, author, photographer and ex-landlord at two pubs has died at the age of 86.
Police have issued an image of a third person they wish to speak to after £500 was taken from a partially-sighted widow.
People in Kent have told Elon Musk to keep his “hands off our English Channel” after he said it should be rechristened.
Exclusive: New EU border checks are not expected to be introduced at the Channel ports until November, a year after the previous deadline.
A man who started a tutoring business at university will battle it out to win Lord Alan Sugar’s favour in the new season of The Apprentice.
A heartbroken mother admits she may never know why her “wonderful and kind” son fell into the path of a car and died.
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