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There are fears someone could be killed after the roof of a long-abandoned building partially caved in.
Neighbours who say their street already smells are worried it will only get worse if plans for more homes nearby are approved.
A married couple have taken the difficult decision to close their much-loved high street business, which they have run for the past 14 years.
Police swooped on premises illegally selling tobacco and as a bonus came across a man wanted for recall to prison.
A newspaper columnist, author, photographer and ex-landlord at two pubs has died at the age of 86.
Police have issued an image of a third person they wish to speak to after £500 was taken from a partially-sighted widow.
People in Kent have told Elon Musk to keep his “hands off our English Channel” after he said it should be rechristened.
Exclusive: New EU border checks are not expected to be introduced at the Channel ports until November, a year after the previous deadline.
A man who started a tutoring business at university will battle it out to win Lord Alan Sugar’s favour in the new season of The Apprentice.
A heartbroken mother admits she may never know why her “wonderful and kind” son fell into the path of a car and died.
A clifftop pub from the Victorian era could be turned into a care home and microbar under new plans.
A former brickworks site, bare and derelict for decades, will be revived with 77 homes and business space after the site was finally sold.
A coroner has recorded conclusions of unlawful killings at the inquests of three men in a “tragedy that should not have occurred”.
Cash, cigarettes and a baseball bat have been seized by police during work to tackle organised crime.
One of a town’s oldest companies is partly moving out of the county after two centuries, cutting half of its workforce.
More than 130 people braved freezing conditions to make their voices heard after their town was left stunned by a shock water quality rating.
The cost of parking permits for some electric car owners in Kent is set to more than double - while charges will drop for the most polluting vehicles.
New energy-efficient barn-style houses are proposed to replace a hand car wash – but residents fear the location is ‘totally unsuitable’.
The owner of a town centre shop says she has made the ‘right’ but ‘sad’ decision to leave after 14 years of trade.
A number of road accidents have been reported as the county is hit by wind and rain.
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