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Covid-19 cases have risen in five areas - but rates in the county remain well below the national average.
A police investigation has been launched after an electric bike and computers were reportedly stolen from a home.
Tenants of new colourful beach huts have finally moved in, but bosses say the waiting list to rent one is now closed due to demand.
A family are delighted to have their missing dog home safe, but were shocked when scammers attempted to blackmail them once more.
A church organ which is more than a century old will be moved to a new home in order to stop its 'slow decay' - if planning permission is granted.
Innovative ideas to improve a town were revealed during an online presentation and include more public spaces, improved road network and a tidal pool.
A man has suffered a head injury during a night-time attack by three men.
Scammers have told a man they will harm his beloved missing pet unless he hands over £1,000.
Hundreds of men are expected to move into army barracks set up to accommodate asylum seekers, despite fears about Covid-19 and living conditions.
The heartbreaking moment a small baby is lifted from a dinghy having endured a risky journey across the English Channel has been captured on film.
A CCTV image of a man has been released by police following a shoplifting incident, which has been linked to a number of other reports.
An investigation has been launched after three men reportedly knocked a boy to the ground, before kicking him and stealing his wallet and shoes.
Families and kids are already enjoying a new high ropes obstacle course that has opened in Kent.
Concerns have been raised about the use of weed killer glyphosate to prevent tree regrowth in preparation for a new housing scheme.
A woman says she has lost out after her gym - which was shut throughout most of lockdown - closed without warning.
Plans to add more colourful beach huts to the Kent coastline have been revealed, as hundreds of people are kept on waiting list.
Plans have been put in place to enhance a town centre market, such as reduced rates and improved parking.
A new dive bar serving burgers, chips and beer is preparing to open this week in a town centre.
Police seized £40,000 cash and arrested three men at the weekend following vehicle checks at the border.
One area of the county is now recording the lowest number of new coronavirus cases in England.
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