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A popular tourist spot will screen the biggest sporting events this summer, the majority for free.
A driver who tried to smuggle a group of people, including a man suspected of child sex offences, out of the UK has been jailed.
A pedestrian is in hospital with arm injuries after being hit by a bus.
A man was seconds away from getting in his truck when a tree came crashing down in strong winds and crushed the cab.
Volunteers and professional cleaners have worked for days to clean up a green after rubbish and human waste was left behind.
A fraud investigation has been launched after a vulnerable pensioner was reportedly charged more than £1,500 for having her driveway jet-washed.
Hundreds of pupils are enjoying state of the art classrooms as the first phase of work on a new secondary school is completed.
A husband and wife team have finally opened their new 'dream' restaurant, serving Mediterranean food and cocktails.
The number of children living in poverty in the county has risen over the last five years, new data shows.
New CGI pictures show how an apartment block will transform a run-down former seaside theatre and nightclub.
We take a dive into the archives to look back at the changing face of a Kent airport, and what's in store for its future.
Concerns about the continued use of military barracks to house asylum seekers are expected to be addressed at a meeting.
A landlady has taken the decision to ban under 21s from her pub after having to throw a crowd of youngsters out.
Hotels and their restaurants can now welcome back guests as part of the planned easing of more lockdown restrictions.
A town centre cinema will welcome customers back this month after being closed for over a year due to the pandemic.
Plans to create a memorial to Forces' Sweetheart Dame Vera Lynn on the White Cliffs of Dover has now gained government support.
A burglar pretended to be a workman in order to gain access to a home and steal a valuable watch.
A new tribute to two Polish fighter pilots killed during the Second World War has been unveiled.
The decommissioning of a Kent power station that employs 800 people could be brought forward unless 'ongoing technical challenges' are overcome.
Police have seized three catapults after it was reported that youths were firing them from a town centre car park.
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