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A pensioner says a broken heating system is starting to make him ill, a month after it was supposed to be fixed and a year after it first broke.
A Kent councillor says she is feeling 'proud' following her arrest during the Extinction Rebellion protests in London.
Scientists who carried out a post mortem on the whale that died in the Thames have confirmed it was killed after being struck by a ship.
Work has started to build a new state-of-the-art cinema, which is due to open in the spring.
Fire crews spent more than an hour tackling a house blaze.
Police are advising motorists to be vigilant following a spate of catalytic converter thefts.
Two men are being sought by police after two women were attacked at a nightclub's charity boxing night.
New government data has revealed more people in Kent were injured in car crashes than anywhere else in England last year.
Do you fancy yourself a landlord or lady? An empty pub has gone on the market for £195,000.
The owners who turned this pub into a dumping ground have been branded 'foolish' and ordered to pay nearly £2,000.
Scores of people are due to attend a meeting tonight in which a controversial town centre project will be debated.
An investigation has been launched after tools, including two generators, were stolen from a business overnight.
A man suspected of trying to steal a car was detained by members of the public until police arrived.
A charity has hit out at a fast food chain after staff allegedly refused to help a blind woman by reading a list of ingredients to her.
A service station was forced to shut for nearly two and a half hours.
Thousands of people packed out an airport for a 12 hour all night dance rave - here's what happened.
An experienced headteacher and former Ofsted inspector will take over the reins at a Kent secondary school.
Thousands of revellers are preparing to descend on an airport for an overnight dance festival.
Plans to create a new athletics track, along with a facility for field events, in Kent have been approved.
The start date to construct 84 new seafront homes is still unknown...a year after the planning application was submitted.
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