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Plans have been unveiled for a new solar farm that would provide renewable energy for more than 7,000 homes.
Campaigners held a candlelit vigil after blood services were stopped at a hospital, sparking fears of longer waiting times.
The moment a cigarette smuggler realised he was going to be pulled over in Dover was caught on his own dashcam.
Eleven food vans are in place around Kent as 260 homes are still without power following the weekend's storms.
A violent man is behind bars after following and assaulting a woman in the middle of the night.
Campaigners will attend a candlelit vigil to launch a consultation over the loss blood tests at a hospital.
A husband and wife team are preparing to open their first pub, following in the footsteps of two previous generations of their family.
Three officers are due in court over allegations they shared inappropriate messages with Wayne Couzens - two years before he killed Sarah Everard.
A bus driver with cancer - who also lost her husband to the disease - has rallied 25 people to shave their heads for charity.
A warning has been issued after dangerous toys, which could cause small children to choke or be cut, were intercepted by Trading Standards.
A landlady is celebrating 40 years at the same pub, which she says now feels like 'part' of her.
HMS Kent has arrived at a seaside port for a visit to her namesake county this weekend
Charges could be brought against three officers for sending 'inappropriate messages' during the investigation into the murder of Sarah Everard.
Wayne Couzens, who abducted, raped and murdered Sarah Everard while serving with The Met, has caught Covid-19.
A haulage boss has warned that lorry drivers can expect four-hour delays in Dover in the UK’s post-Brexit world.
A 'mellow and striking' cheetah, who had a race car named after him, has died at a Kent animal park.
Discussions to potentially instal new nuclear technology, known as Small Modular Reactors, in Kent have begun.
Police are appealing for help after two people died in a three-car crash on a busy road.
A woman had to climb a ladder to retrieve a parcel after a courier threw it 12ft into the air, leaving it stuck on spikes on a window ledge.
A driver has been jailed for more than two years for smuggling people into Kent hidden in overhead lockers inside his lorry.
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